Multi-criteria analysis of the role of Local Government as a civil protection factor in forest fire management: The example of the municipality of Lavreotiki

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2899017 197 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Στρατηγικές Διαχείρισης Καταστροφών και Κρίσεων στους Διοικητικούς και Αναπτυξιακούς Τομείς
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Zagouris Charalampos
Supervisors info:
Δρ. Λέκκας Ευθύμιος
Δρ. Λόζιος Στυλιανός
Δρ. Σούκης Κωσταντίνος
Original Title:
Πολυκριτηριακή ανάλυση του ρόλου της τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης ως παράγοντα της πολίτικης προστασίας στην διαχείριση της δασικής πυρκαγιάς . Το παράδειγμα του Δήμου Λαυρεωτικής.
Translated title:
Multi-criteria analysis of the role of Local Government as a civil protection factor in forest fire management: The example of the municipality of Lavreotiki
Forest fires are a natural disaster and can have adverse effects on both the ecosystem and humans. In particular, it can cause injuries as well as death. In addition, it can lead to the loss of public and private property by causing damage to infrastructure and real estate. Citizen protection is a key concern for competent bodies and a wide range of civil protection plans are put to the vote and implemented. Local Authorities are among the main civil protection bodies in the event of natural disasters, including forest fire.
The impetus for the choice of subject was given after the researcher's personal observation that, in recent years, the call for forest fires is a frequent occurrence both in the Greek territory and in the Attica region, with unpleasant and tragic consequences for them. Indeed, the great fire that broke out in the "mati" at Attica in 2018 was the reason for the choice of the subject under study.
Main subject category:
Writing Template, Postgraduate Program, Crisis Management Strategies, Environment, Natural Disasters, Natural Disasters, Forest Fire, Lavreotiki Municipality .
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ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΖΑΓΟΥΡΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ(2020033).pdf (4 MB) Open in new window