Shaping the map of the professionalization of school leadership. The case of the National College for School Leadership and the National Professional Qualification for Headship in England

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2899531 278 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Συγκριτική Παιδαγωγική με ειδίκευση σε ζητήματα ποιότητας της εκπαίδευσης
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Sourtzi Konstantina
Supervisors info:
Μπαμπάλης Θωμάς, Καθηγητής, Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. , Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Φασούλης Κωνσταντίνος, Ομότιμος Καθηγητής, Π.Τ.Δ.Ε., Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Τσώλη Κωνσταντίνα, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Π.Τ.Δ.Ε., Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Original Title:
Η διαμόρφωση του χάρτη της επαγγελματικοποίησης της σχολικής ηγεσίας. Η περίπτωση του Εθνικού Κολλεγίου για την Σχολική Ηγεσία και της Εθνικής Επαγγελματικής Πιστοποίησης για την Σχολική Διεύθυνση στην Αγγλία
Translated title:
Shaping the map of the professionalization of school leadership. The case of the National College for School Leadership and the National Professional Qualification for Headship in England
This thesis deals with the conformation of the professional qualification for leadership and headteacher’s professionalization. Firstly, we analyze the signification of leadership and management. After that, the study refers to the evolutionary stages of the headteacher’s profession. This evolution and professional development took place due to the social and economic changes in the beginning of the 21st century.
The right policies, the implementation of the New Public Management, the contribution of the international organizations and the effect of the globalization changed the fundamentals of education. Education orientated itself towards economy, accountability and low cost effectiveness. Effective school leadership turns out to have been one of the main reasons for better school results and school success. Therefore, it was very important to find ways and means for the headteachers’ professional development and professionalization. Those means were the standards for the headteacher’s assessment, the professional qualification and the continuous leadership training.
The English educational system was affected by those policies. England invested to the school leadership development. Established the National Professional Qualification for Headship and the National College for School Leadership. These two innovations emphasized to the development of school leadership and made England an international leadership center.
Main subject category:
Leadership, Professionalization, Headteacher, Qualification, National College for School Leadership, National Professional Qualification for Headship
Number of index pages:
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