The ecclesiastical leader in the administration of the Orthodox Church

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2919778 237 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Φιλοσοφία και Διοίκηση - Μάνατζμεντ
Library of the School of Philosophy
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Krypotos Konstantinos
Supervisors info:
Παναγιώτης Πανταζάκος
Αντώνης Λιβιεράτος
Παναγιώτης Αλεξάκης
Original Title:
Ο εκκλησιαστικός ηγέτης στη διοίκηση της Εκκλησίας
Translated title:
The ecclesiastical leader in the administration of the Orthodox Church
Ιt is understood from what was found that the ecclesiastical economy is and should be according to Skouteris (1969) "an expression of spirit and love which governs the Church and the virtues that flow from it, of sympathy. leniency and condescension ”with regard to human weakness. For this reason we can argue that the implementation of the ecclesiastical economy does not seek the violation of ecclesiastical rules but the condescension.
The fact that the ecclesiastical economy is a consequence of the aforementioned Christian disposition and not a catalysis of order, is evident from the fact that the application of the economy is temporary, since it is applied for a shorter or longer period depending on each case, as well as by reflection and the consent through which it is granted.
The ecclesiastical body that implements the economy should take into account whether this action can cause harm or scandal to the crew of the Church to a greater extent, in relation to the benefit it offers or if the bad precedent through tolerance and leniency is changed to a rule and, consequently, the regular order and accuracy are permanently disrupted and overturned.
Every Spiritualist, without bypassing the special mission that has the goals of the Church, is called to make the most of all the knowledge he has and to apply the Christian stake, which has not a canonical but mainly ecclesiastical character. Therefore, the application of the principle of economics seeks the spiritual healing of sinners, the avoidance of scandal of the flock and peace and harmony, without, however, this meaning that there are no conditions for its exercise and binding conditions by the body that applies.
On the other hand, however, the principle that the application of the ecclesiastical economy is based on the salutary Law of the Sacred Canons must not be circumvented, which in turn explains the notion that transgression within the Church is a mental illness, which the Church through the competent bodies - the Spiritual - is called to heal.
The application of the ecclesiastical economy does not, therefore, abolish the accuracy of the Sacred Canons, but drawing its substance from the salvific purpose of the Church may in some cases surpass the literal and narrow application of the Canon Law.
As far as the ecclesiastical administration is concerned, its connection with the business administration in terms of the internal and external environment, the definition of purposes and operational objectives, the negotiation, the communication, the crisis management and the continuous improvement of its operation becomes apparent. . Both the theological and managerial knowledge are required from the ecclesiastical leader in order to best deal with problems or issues that arise from time to time within the Church. The ecclesiastical leader as a living example is an inspiration to every active member of the body of the Church.
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
Management, Economy, Ecclesiastical Economy, Ecclesiastical leader, Church, Spiritualist, Canon Law, Sacred Canons, Knowledge, Administration
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