Motor activities for children with cerebral palsy

Graduate Thesis uoadl:2926648 385 Read counter

Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
Library of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science
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Original Title:
Κινητικές δραστηριότητες για παιδιά με εγκεφαλική παράλυση
Translated title:
Motor activities for children with cerebral palsy
The purpose of this work is to search for scientific reports on sports and non-sports activities in which children with cerebral palsy can participate and to improve the standard of living. Through this participation, the best social integration of these children must be seen. The work is important because it refers to the ways and means for improving the standard of living of children with OP as well as for their easier integration into the social environment. The method carried out in this work is based on bibliographic research. The data collected are articles from reputable scientific journals and books. The bibliographic method included a) locating b) collecting c) evaluating d) analyzing the existing literature. The aim was to propose substantiated empirical and theoretical conclusions - hypotheses. Brain paralysis was approached and then important information was retrieved by searching from Scholar Google's website, Medline plus, scopus solutions, cochrane library, elsevier. The articles were about activities that significantly help children with cerebral palsy both in improving their standard of living and in their better integration into society. The participation of children with cerebral palsy in physical activities is an important experience in the context of inclusiveness, while it is concluded that physical activities strengthen the social ties of children with their peers by improving their quality of life while gaining more control over their lives. The type of motor activities that make up the special physical education program need constant evaluation, adaptation, but also planning. Initially it should consist of simple but various motor activities which are easy to ensure success in their execution. Later the degree of difficulty should be increased in order to maintain the learner's interest. Teachers involved in the preschool and schooling programs of such children must provide the appropriate and appropriately designed play opportunities in order to significantly assist the course of life of such children. The correlation of specific sports activities and robotics, with the improvement of the standard of living of children with CP.
Main subject category:
Education - Sport science
cerebral palsy, hippotherapy, yoga, swimming, aerobic exercise, dance,movement disorder, quality of life
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