Ethics of Psychoanalysis-From the classic model to the therapeutic alliance - clinical case study in a medical context

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Κατεύθυνση Ψυχοδυναμική Ψυχοθεραπεία σε Ιατρικό Πλαίσιο
Library of the School of Health Sciences
Deposit date:
Vallianou Dimitra
Supervisors info:
Χαράλαμπος Παπαγεωργίου, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Ελένη Λαζαράτου, Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Αρετή Σπυροπούλου, Μέλος Ε.ΔΙ.Π., Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Ηθική της Ψυχανάλυσης – Από το κλασικό μοντέλο στη θεραπευτική συμμαχία – Μελέτη κλινικής περίπτωσης σε Ιατρικό πλαίσιο
Translated title:
Ethics of Psychoanalysis-From the classic model to the therapeutic alliance - clinical case study in a medical context
This paper places the moral aspect of psychosocial conflicts. The central question that
arises is whether personalized psychodynamic psychotherapy can be considered a "moral achievement". Can the psychotherapist and the patient, through a mutual, but asymmetrical, process, form a dynamic therapeutic couple, given through the look of morality, within the psychiatric section of a general hospital, in such a way that the basic freudian position "where Id becomes Ego" is served? Whether, through his own subjectivity and psycho-emotional and cognitive experience, acting as a projective object of the patient, the psychotherapist can make a major contribution to the course of the therapeutic process?
Psychoanalysis is at the crossroads of science and art and is predominantly
anthropocentric. Science with its various branches represents what can be measured and proven experimentally, is a valid and reliable human experience, which can be used as a tool. Art, through its various expressions, serves to represent reality by contributing to the orientation of the being, in the fundamental dipole of pleasure - pain (Three General Theories of Ethics and the Integrative Role of Integrity Theory, Muel Kaptein-Johan Wempe, article in SSRN Electronic Journal - July 2002). The psychoanalytic process is a co-ordination of both. It is called upon to detect unconscious processes, to highlight the unexpressed traumas and to shed light on this dipole pleasure-pain, which is one of the main levers of human existence. If there is a relative balance between pleasure and pain, well-being occurs. Otherwise, mental fatigue, which leads to illness and death, is occurs.
In this respect, the convergence of Psychoanalysis with the structure called Ethics is
crucial. Morality is based on the conscious side of human mental life and determines the sum of the relationships and actions of the individual with himself and others. Psychoanalysis makes it a claim to increase that consciousness. Morality is an evaluation system of imperative character and defined by the protagonist, action and consequences. The question arises, then, as to which of these will be set as a starting point. If action is defined as a starting point, then Deondocratic ethics arises. If the starting point is the consequences, we have the Consequalist ethics. If the main condition is defined as the protagonist, we have the virtuous — Aristotelian ethics. (Virtue Ethics, Deondology, and Consequalism, Brandon Roby - University of Mary Washington 2018).
This paper studies a clinical case study relating to an intersubjective meeting with a
psychodynamic understanding of a psychiatrist-psychotherapist and a psychanalysant, taking place within the framework of a psychiatric clinical General Hospital, with reference to a prosecutor's office.
This study, which is of the nature of quality research, seeks, through the prism of Ethics, to study concepts such as intersubjective encounter, therapeutic alliance, content-based relationship, trauma, drug use and its role as a "Third" and as a transitional object, the reparation of psychosomatic Ego. Reference is also made to the concepts of transference-countertransference, the defense procedures of both therapist and patient parts, and to the resistance that arises on either side of the two subjectives, but also to the general difficulties of the analytical framework.
Finally, two psychometric scales are submitted, which relate to the concept of ethics, given through the Deondocratic and Consequalist aspects: Ethical Standards of judgment Questionnaire (Love, Salinas & Roth 2018), The Scale (Robinson 2012).
This work is documented by bibliographical references and is intended to contribute to the ongoing research.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Psychoanalysis, Ethics, Transference-countertransference, Trauma, Intersubjectivity, Interpretation
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