Debris flow: analysis and simulation

Graduate Thesis uoadl:2938394 142 Read counter

Department of Geology and Geoenviromment
Library of the School of Science
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Supervisors info:
Dr. Maria Stavropoulou
Assoc. Professor, Soil and Rock Mechanic
Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment
Dept. Dynamic Tectonic & Applied Geology
+30 210 727 4778
+30 693758 5109
Original Title:
Debris flow: analysis and simulation
Translated title:
Debris flow: analysis and simulation
This research is my thesis and it investigates debris flows, simulations thereof, and hazard assessments. It took place at the Department of Dynamic Tectonic and Applied Geology of the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Even though countless researches and work have been published on the topic of landslide movements, few of them regard debris flows. That was motivation enough for the choice of this subject, the analysis and simulation of debris flows.
The main aim of this study is to understand how debris flows work so that we can have a better comprehension of their functionality, kinematics, and dynamics, potential hazard they represent to humans, properties and structures, as well as short-term issues they can cause to the environment. The end goal is damage assessment and proposal for mitigation measures and strategies.
The methodology followed to achieve this is with the usage of modern software and simulation tools. The program used in this specific study was RAMMS::DEBRIS FLOW, a module that can yield results regarding distance, flow velocity, flow height and impact pressure. Such applications are used around the globe by geotechnical engineers and mitigation engineers for consulting problems regarding not only debris flows, but also snow avalanches, landslides and rockfalls.
With the use of the aforementioned software and simulation tools, combined with data and citations of past researches regarding this field of study, we can understand what debris flows are and how they function in regards to their physical and mechanical properties, as well as their behavior and the aftermath.
The results of not only this research, but other similar researches, is to be able to understand what can cause debris flows and assess the potential damage such a phenomenon can cause, through a process of identifying hazards, evaluating the risks presented by those hazards, and being able to find adequate solutions and damage prevention measures, to control and mitigate potential destructive aftermaths.
Main subject category:
Slope Stability, Debris flows, Simulation, Analysis, Mitigation Strategies
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