Alexandrian Style: Ptolemaic/Greek and Egyptian elements in Hellenistic Architecture

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2972379 221 Read counter

Specialty Greek and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology: From the Bronze Age Palaces to the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Gobran Awad Diana
Supervisors info:
Dr.David Scahill, professor, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Dimitrios Plantzos, Professor, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Stylianos Katakis, Professor, Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Original Title:
Alexandrian Style: Ptolemaic/Greek and Egyptian elements in Hellenistic Architecture
Translated title:
Alexandrian Style: Ptolemaic/Greek and Egyptian elements in Hellenistic Architecture
This dissertation examines Alexandrian architectural elements and how Ptolemaic Alexandria imported and exported several architectural elements to the three major Ptolemaic cities Cyprus, Macedonian and Petra.
Chapter one, examines the reasons and evidence that lead to the formation of the Alexandrian architecture, and how the syncretism of Greek and Egyptian beliefs shaped the elements of funerary architecture and tombs.
Chapter two, compares the Macedonian architectural elements with other Hellenistic and Alexandrian ones, and how the Macedonian tombs architecture developed during the Ptolemaic period, especially in terms of the function and material.
Chapter three, examines the archaeological evidence relating to the architectural Alexandrian influence on Nea Paphos tombs in Cyprus in terms of the different architectural elements.
Chapter four highlights the development of the Hellenistic Alexandrian elements in the architecture of Petra, and how it influenced the interior and exterior parts of Petra tombs and the Alexandrian decoration characteristics that formed the features of the capital, wall-paintings and etc.
Conclusions are drawn on the result of style transmission and developments of tomb's design in the cases studied in the aforementioned cities.
Main subject category:
Alexandrian style, architecture, tombs, funerary architecture, burials, Cyprus, Nea Paphos, Macedonia, Alexandria, Petra, Ptolemaic, Shatby, Mustapha Pasha, Anfushy, hypogeum, barrel-vaulted tombs, Greek, Egyptian
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