The contribution of guide dogs to the lives of blind people

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3257918 49 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Ειδική Αγωγή
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Γαΐτη Κατερίνα
Supervisors info:
Αλέξανδρος - Σταμάτιος Αντωνίου
Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής ΠΤΔΕ ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Η συνεισφορά των σκύλων-οδηγών στη ζωή των τυφλών ατόμων
Translated title:
The contribution of guide dogs to the lives of blind people
The purpose of the present research project is to study how a guide dog can help individuals with visual impairment in a way that they can overcome the difficulties they are being faced with and thus experience better quality of life. For this reason, secondary research was conducted, which is based on the analysis of empirical research found in the Greek and international bibliography in order to address the research questions. In relation to the structure of the project, it consists of two parts: the theoretical and the empirical. More specifically, the subject of the first chapter is the bibliographical review of the notion of disability and, in particular, of the forms and models of interpretation of disability. The second chapter of the study examines the issue of visual impairment, from both a medical and sociological perspective. Next, the third chapter explores the rights of individuals with visual impairment. Finally, the fourth chapter serves as a short review of the bibliography regarding the guide dog, which is the main topic of the project. Moving on to the empirical part of the research, the scope and research questions are first cited, along with the method applied and the reason for which the researcher considered the conduction of the particular secondary research to be imperative. Then, the sixth chapter of the project outlines the findings of the empirical studies available in the Greek and international bibliography. And, finally, in the seventh chapter, answers are given to the research questions set in the fifth chapter of the project. The main conclusion deriving from the secondary research is that individuals with visual impairment benefit greatly from owning a guide dog (physically, sentimentally, psychologically and socially), while their quality of life is significantly improved.
Main subject category:
Education - Sport science
guide dog, visual impairment, benefits, research
Number of index pages:
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