The aim of this thesis is to propose an alternative way of teaching modern Greek history
using digital tools such as digital maps, sound processing software for the creation of
historical soundscapes combined with the use of urban folk song or as it is more widely wellknown of the Rebetik song.
This alternative way of teaching has a double benefit, both for the teacher, as it offers the
opportunity to provide motivation and internal stimuli to the students, and for the children
themselves, as through the specific teaching intervention they enjoy the process of of
For this reason, digital maps were created which are accompanied by locating on the map a
geographical point that is related to the historical event, there are similar photos, historical
text and the urban folk song corresponding to the event. Also, as part of the intervention,
the children created four soundscapes related to the historical events of the period of Greek
history that was chosen for the intervention. In the paper, the basic concepts of
intersubjectivity, history, the teaching objectives of the Analytical Study Program of the
specific course are developed, reference is made to the rebetiko song and finally our
pedagogical proposal is analyzed.
Keywords: Intersubjectivity, history, digital maps, soundscape, urban folk song, rebetiko
Intersubjectivity, history, digital maps, soundscape, urban folk song, rebetiko song..