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Μιχοπούλου Στυλιανή, Δόκτωρ, Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών, ΕΚΠΑ
The process of digitization has created opportunities for new products, technologies and processes. On the other hand, digitization or the so-called digital disruption also has significant socio-economic effects. The relevant changes and rearrangements do not only concern production but also the role of labor in general and the relative human potential in the under-configuration of production conditions. Digital technologies as well as digital services are changing the rules of employment and the requirements of workers' abilities, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Based on these data, the aim of this paper is to analyze, define and characterize the impact of digital technologies on the labor market and its potential impact on the labor market sector especially during the covid-19 period. The collection and review of relevant theoretical and empirical literature and the identification and collection from relevant sources of the statistical data under analysis were carried out. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of digitization on education and training was much more limited. The pandemic has shown that having an education and training system fit for the digital age is essential. Finally, the effects of digitization are related to business models and the task composition of jobs as well as the way work is assigned, managed, coordinated and controlled within and between organizations.
Keywords: digitization, labor market, statistical analysis