Advanced imaging parametric markers of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), in evaluation of patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and patients with cardiomyopathy

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:3386450 35 Read counter

Faculty of Medicine
Library of the School of Health Sciences
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Lama Niki
Dissertation committee:
Κελέκης Λ. Νικόλαος, Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Αλεξοπούλου Ευθυμία, Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Σπηλιόπουλος Σταύρος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Φιλιππιάδης Δημήτριος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Παπακωνσταντίνου Ολυμπία, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Βελονάκης Γεώργιος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Μπριασούλης Αλέξανδρος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Προηγμένοι απεικονιστικοί παραμετρικοί δείκτες μαγνητικής τομογραφίας καρδιάς (CMR), κατά την αξιολόγηση ασθενών με σημαντική στένωση αορτικής βαλβίδας και ασθενών με μυοκαρδιοπάθεια
Translated title:
Advanced imaging parametric markers of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), in evaluation of patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and patients with cardiomyopathy
Objectives: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is a key test in the diagnosis
of cardiac amyloidosis (CA). Extracardiac involvement is common in light chain
(AL) amyloidosis and MRI findings may assist in its diagnosis. We sought to
investigate the utility of splenic CMR parameters for the diagnosis of CA.
Methods: Thirty-four patients with AL amyloidosis and 32 patients with severe left
ventricular hypertrophy in the setting of aortic stenosis (LVH-AS) who completed 3T
cardiac MRI at the time of their diagnosis of AL or LVH-AS were assessed with T1,
T2 (modified Look-Locker inversion recovery), extracellular volume (ECV)
mapping, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging of the heart and spleen.
Results: Age, left ventricular mass index, wall thickness, ejection fraction, and
splenic dimensions did not differ significantly between groups. All AL patients had
cardiac involvement. T1 and T2 spleen mapping did not differ significantly between
139 groups but AL patients had higher median ECV in the spleen than in LVH-AS (AL
46.9%, LVH-AS: 31%, p<0.001), and significantly lower short tau inversion recovery
ratio (AL: 1.7, LVH-AS: 2.7, p<0.001) both with very good diagnostic performance
to diagnose AL. We identified 16 AL patients with spleen involvement and 16
without. Spleen ECV and “normalized” spleen ratio, defined as the ratio of spleen
LGE to muscle values exhibited strong correlation and had excellent diagnostic performance to discriminate those with spleen involvement.
Conclusion: Our findings show that spleen CMR parameters can identify spleen
involvement in AL patients and differentiate them from those without AL amyloidosis.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Parametric markers, Cardiac magnetic resonance, Aortic valve stenosis, Cardiomyopathy.
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