Religious Education and use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in the teaching practice in the greek school

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3388845 68 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Συστηματική Θεολογία και Επιστήμες της Αγωγής
Library of the School of Theology
Deposit date:
Papadimitrakis Dimitris
Supervisors info:
Μάριος Κουκουνάρας-Λιάγκης, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Θεολογίας, Θεολογική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ.
Σταύρος Γιαγκάζογλου, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Θεολογίας, Θεολογική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ.
Κωνσταντίνος Κορναράκης, Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Θεολογίας, Θεολογική Σχολή, ΕΚΠΑ.
Original Title:
Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση και χρήση ΤΠΕ (Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνίας) στη διδακτική πράξη στο ελληνικό σχολείο
Translated title:
Religious Education and use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in the teaching practice in the greek school
In the 21st century, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) play an important role in the educational process. In this context, RE teachers are expected to integrate modern technological means into their teaching practices. The use of ICT in the Religious Education subject needs to be based on educational theories of teaching and learning and appropriate learning strategies, in order to contribute, through digital literacy, to the students' religious literacy. The aim of this research was to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of theologian RE teachers regarding the application of ICT in education. To collect the data, digital questionnaires were used that were sent to all schools in Greece and answered by 322 theologian RE teachers. The findings showed that the majority of theologian RE teachers have adequate knowledge of ICT and use ICT to a considerable extent in their teaching. The use of ICT in teaching seems to be related to factors such as the age, studies, and further training of theologian RE teachers, but is not influenced by gender. In addition, it is found that the lack of technical equipment is one of the biggest obstacles to the use of ICT in teaching practice. As it follows from the findings of this research, there must be made strategic decisions for the technical equipment of schools and the encouragement and diffusion of good educational practices in the use of ICT by theologians.
Main subject category:
Religious education, use of ICT, perceptions of theologians, survey
Number of index pages:
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Διπλωματική Εργασία Παπαδημητράκης Δημήτριος.pdf (4 MB) Open in new window