Facets of Greek political Romanticism: The case of Ion Dragoumis. An approach to his published works

Doctoral Dissertation uoadl:3391753 33 Read counter

Deparment of Political Science & Public Administration
Library of the Faculties of Political Science and Public Administration, Communication and Mass Media Studies, Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, Sociology
Deposit date:
Mamoutos Stamatios
Dissertation committee:
Παναγής Παναγιωτόπουλος, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ
Δέσποινα Παπαδημητρίου, Καθηγήτρια, τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Ιστορίας, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο
Γεώργιος Κ. Θεοδωρίδης, Λέκτορας, τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ
Γρηγόριος Μολύβας, Καθηγητής, τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ
Παρασκευάς Ματάλας, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
Φωτεινή Έφη Γαζή, Καθηγήτρια, τμήμα Κοινωνικής και Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου
Φωτεινή Ασημακοπούλου, Καθηγήτρια, τμήμα Εκπαίδευσης και Αγωγής στην Προσχολική Ηλικία, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Όψεις του ελληνικού πολιτικού Ρομαντισμού στο παράδειγμα του Ίωνος Δραγούμη. Μια προσέγγιση στο δημοσιευμένο έργο
Translated title:
Facets of Greek political Romanticism: The case of Ion Dragoumis. An approach to his published works
This doctoral thesis is about the political thought of Ion Dragoumis. In the framework of this thesis, we first consider the ideological environment around which older research placed Dragoumis’ political thought. Then, we analyze the political thought of Dragoumis, to discover its relationship to the ideological environment into which researchers originally placed it.

The thesis is comprised of three parts. In the first part, we analyze the ideological framework that includes Political Romanticism, Counter-Enlightenment, Nationalism, Fascism and Conservativism. In the second part, we examine the political thought of Dragoumis. In the third part, we follow Dragoumis’ political career.

In the first part of the thesis, we construct a kind of an ideological framework, which we later use to place the political thought of Dragoumis, if we could place it and in the degree in which we could place it. We define the way in which we make use of the term “ideology” and we adopt an idea, according to which, each ideology has two components, “fundamental principles” and “operating substance”.

The central point of the first part is that it is a mistake to talk about fascist ideology. Fascism was a political phenomenon with ideological, organizational and institutional components. Regarding the ideological field, Fascism assimilated an ideology that already existed at that point and continues to exist after it. Continuing the thesis, we analyze this theory, calling it within our analytical framework as “Counter-Enlightenment Political Romanticism”.

The second part of the thesis contains a biographical treatise of Ion Dragoumis and an examination of how Dragoumis approached the “five fundamental principles” of “Counter-Enlightenment Political Romanticism” during his lifetime. The research shows that the approach of Dragoumis to the “five fundamental principles” of “Counter-Enlightenment Political Romanticism” is remarkably consistent and the few detectable contradictions are largely unimportant. Whatever ideological contradictions we can detect in Dragoumis’ works, most of the time are not particular to Dragoumis. They are inherent contradictory features of the ideology he adopted and we can trace them to all of his like-minded intellectual peers.

In the third part of the thesis, we examine Ion Dragoumis as a politician. The research question we had to answer was whether Dragoumis as a politician was consistent with the ideas he worked on as an intellectual, or whether he was a contradictory politician, following the ideological tendencies of his time, without a consistent ideological background. Our conclusion is that Dragoumis based his political actions on certain ideological principles, which he may at times had a varying adherence to, but never disavowed or drastically changed.
Main subject category:
Social, Political and Economic sciences
Ion Dragoumis, nationalism, political Romanticism, Counter-Enlightenment. prefascism, Greek national split
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