Description of the occurrence of metals within Attiko Cycladic massif with emphasis on critical metals

Graduate Thesis uoadl:3392508 82 Read counter

Department of Geology and Geoenviromment
Library of the School of Science
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Supervisors info:
παναγιώτης βουδούρης , καθηγητής ,τμήμα γεωλογίας και γεωπεριβάλλοντος ,εθνικό και καποδιστριακό πανεπιστήμιο αθηνών
Original Title:
Περιγραφή των Μεταλλοφοριών της Αττικοκυκλαδικής Μάζας με έμφαση στα Κρίσιμα Μέταλλα
Translated title:
Description of the occurrence of metals within Attiko Cycladic massif with emphasis on critical metals
The current thesis deals with the occurrence of critical metals within the Cycladic Massif. Critical metals are considered metals which are limited in the market while they are necessary for important technological needs. Various interesting occurrences of metals/metalloids, such as antimony, cobalt, tellurium, rare earth elements etc., have been recorded in Greece, however they are at an initial stage and their further research is vital to determine their composition and expansion in the formations.
The Atticocycladic massif presents an interesting geology with various tectonic history. This distinctive characteristic created an abundance of rocks, in which many rare and critical metals can be found. There are a few research over the years in order to identify the critical metals, both in terms of content and extent.
In the current thesis the most extensively mentioned area of study is the Laureotic mass, which contains the metals tellurium, rhenium, molybdenum, gallium, germanium, indium, copper, tungsten, rare earths, bismuth, gold, etc. Apart from Attica, there’s a detailed mention on the islands of Milos and Evia, especially for the metals: antimony, tellurium, molybdenum, copper, etc. Last but not least, there is a remarkable mentioning in Evia, which contains the metals: tellurium, silver, copper, iron, lead, gold, etc.
It is necessary, without a doubt, to continue researching about these critical metals in order to discover the real contents of them within the mineralization in order to determine if the results will be sufficient enough to start the necessary mining.
Main subject category:
Attiko Cycladic Massif ,Critical Metals ,Intrusion , Metamorphic Rocks
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Περιγραφή των Μεταλλοφοριών της Αττικοκυκλαδικής Μάζας με έμφαση στα Κρίσιμα Μέταλλα.pdf (2 MB) Open in new window