Supervisors info:
Δρ. Ευθύμιος Λέκκας , Καθηγητής Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος, ΕΚΠΑ,
Δρ. Μιχάλης Διακάκης, Μέλος Δ.Ε.Π. Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος, ΕΚΠΑ,
Δρ. Άννα Καρκάνη, Ε.ΔΙ.Π. Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος, ΕΚΠΑ
This study examined the recent disaster caused by the bad weather Daniel in our country, with particular emphasis on the region of Thessaly, which was the most affected region compared to any other region of our country. Looking at the case of this particular bad weather, the crisis management seems to have started immediately after its arrival. As shown by theoretically examining the management of related crises, flood planning constitutes a constant axis of flood-related crisis management. However, in the case of our country, and specifically in the case of the Daniel storm, crisis management started simultaneously with its occurrence. Therefore, considerable ground may have been lost in terms of managing this particular crisis. In fact, it seems that this was a period of complacency before the crisis occurred, which is demonstrated by various factors, such as the lack of adequate flood protection works. In the case of Daniel, the first response to the threat actually took place in the short term, after the initial onset of the crisis. To start the response with the onset of the crisis without any prior planning therefore led to a significant loss of ground. In fact, even in the medium term, which is where we are at present, there have been no major initiatives to contribute to a meaningful response to the crisis. In the medium term, infrastructure repair and reconstruction has not been carried out to the extent it should have been, building planning has not been redefined and problems in the natural environment, such as Lake Karla, have not been addressed. The economic reconstruction of the region remained uncertain and citizens were not involved in the response to the crisis. These are therefore weaknesses that can be found at all levels. Looking to the future, dealing with this crisis requires the development of a sound long-term planning plan. The recovery will be a long-term one, given that the blows in the short and medium term have been severe. . In order to strengthen the region's ability to recover, specific objectives have therefore been identified. Infrastructure resilience, effective land use rules, a shift towards environmental sustainability, strengthening community resilience, diversification of the rural-based economic model, effective water management strategies, environmental education of citizens, development of a comprehensive resilience plan and adoption of new building standards are considered key. It therefore seems that the response to such a crisis must be multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. Only a few actions may not enhance Thessaly's long-term ability to recover from this crisis. In conclusion, however capable the response to a crisis may be when it occurs, inadequate preparation limits any effectiveness.
climate change, crisis, Daniel, plan, Thessaly