Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the OSTRC-O2 and OSTRC-H2 questionnaires to Greek population

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3395690 36 Read counter

Specialty "Exercise & Health"
Library of the School of Health Sciences
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Antonopoulos Konstantinos
Supervisors info:
Τσολάκης Χαρίλαος, Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, ΕΚΠΑ
Κουλουβάρης Παναγιώτης, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ορθοπεδικής, ΕΚΠΑ
Παπαγιάννης Γεώργιος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Φυσικοθεραπείας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου
Original Title:
Μετάφραση και διαπολιτισμική προσαρμογή των ερωτηματολογίων OSTRC-O2 και OSTRC-H2 στον Ελληνικό πληθυσμό
Translated title:
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the OSTRC-O2 and OSTRC-H2 questionnaires to Greek population
BACKGROUND: The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaires on Overuse Injuries (OSTRC-O) and Health Problems (OSTRC-H) are two well established and widely used tools for recording athletes overuse injuries and health problems respectively.
OBJECTIVE: To translate and cross-culturally adapt the newest versions of OSTRC-O (OSTRC-O2) and OSTRC-H (OSTRC-H2) in Greek language and investigate their validity and reliability.
METHODS: The questionnaires were translated with the back translation method according to international guidelines. The Greek version of OSTRC-O2 (OSTRC-O2.GR) was distributed to women volleyball players (n=56), investigating their shoulder area, and the OSTRC-H2 (OSTRC-H2.GR) to athletes of football and volleyball (n=52). Validity was analyzed via content validity (Content Validity Index, CVI), face validity (extra questions of comprehensibility) and concurrent validity (spearman ρ correlation coefficient between number of days of time loss, DL and numeric pain rating scale, NPRS). Reliability was measured using internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) and test-retest method (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC).
RESULTS: The Greek versions of the questionnaires were translated successfully. 23 athletes (41%) reported a problem with their shoulder using the OSTRC-O2.GR, while 28 cases of injuries (53.8%) and 5 cases of illness were reported with OSTRC-H2.GR. Content and face validity were found excellent according to the responses of the expert committee (OSTRC-O2.GR CVI= 0.925, OSTRC-H2.GR CVI= 0.975). Correlations between OSTRC-O2.GR with NPRS (ρ= 0,819, p<0,05) and OSTRC-H2.GR with DL (ρ=0,625, p<0,05) and NPRS (ρ=0,72, p<0,05) respectively, were within our expected range. Test-retest reliability was excellent for both questionnaires [OSTRC-O2.GR ICC 0.90 (95% CI: 0.82-0.94), OSTRC-H2.GR ICC 0.93 (95% CI: 0.87-0.97)] as well as internal consistency (OSTRC-O2.GR Cronbach’s α= 0.84, OSTRC-H2.GR Cronbach’s α= 0.93).
CONCLUSION: The Greek versions of the OSTRC questionnaires are valid and reliable and can be utilized for the surveillance of athletes into the Greek context.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Questionnaires; Injury surveillance; Overuse injuries, Health problems
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