Supervisors info:
Βασίλειος Μαρτζάκλης»
«M.Sc. Αξιωματικός Πυροσβεστικού Σώματος
Πτυχιούχος Δημόσιας Διοίκησης Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου
Expert E.U. Civil Protection Mechanism»
Δρ. «Δανάμος Γεώργιος», «Ε.ΔΙ.Π Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος ΕΚΠΑ,
Δρ. «Εμμανουήλ Σκούρτσος», «Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος ΕΚΠΑ,
Δρ. «Χρήστος Φίλης», «ΕΤΕΠ Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και Γεωπεριβάλλοντος ΕΚΠΑ
The aim of this master thesis is to examine the role of the Security in managing emergency situations, like fire and earthquake. More specifically, it is a case study in which the Security of banking organizations is studied.
Since ancient times people where facing natural disasters, like earthquakes, volcano explosions, floods, fires, tsunamis etc., and their consequences. Natural disasters depending on their intensity have a great impact on people’s lives, on the environment, the infrastructures and the society in general. Some of their consequences are deaths, injuries, destruction of properties, damages and destructions on buildings and public infrastructure, damages on monuments and many more. The problem with natural disasters is that no one can tell when they will hit and where. How quick a society will recover from such a disaster depends on the intensity of the phenomenon and how well it is prepared. Vulnerability of a society is of great importance its capability to resist, deal with, and recover from a hazard. The following years technological and NaTech disasters appeared which also affect people’s lives and the orderly functioning of societies.
The increasing intensity and frequency of natural disasters led local and global organizations to take action for the protection of societies against these hazards and the eliminations of their consequences. The most important thing for the elimination of the consequences is prevention because it makes societies less vulnerable and more capable to deal with and recover from a disaster. The management of disasters, with prevention, management during the crisis and recovery included, is coordinated by central organizations with the support and collaboration of smaller bodies, for example municipalities. In Greece Civil Protection is the coordinator.
Disasters and emergency situations are thing that also affect workplaces. There is a broad legislative framework concerning health and safety of employees, prevention and protection from fire and earthquake. Businesses are obliged to comply with the applicable legislation. In the present thesis we choose banking organizations for the case study because they have a Security Department which is responsible for the management of crises and emergency situations, the design of emergency plan and the coordination of the evacuation process. The main building of the Bank of Greece is used as an example.
From the analysis, it is obvious that banking organizations comply with the legislation and that the Security plays a decisive role in the preparation, the management and the dealing of an emergency situation. Last but not least, peoples’ cooperation with smart technologies could solve difficult problems and give answers to dilemmas.
Key words: Natural Disasters, Emergency Situation, Evacuation Plan, Case Study, Banking Institutions