Music Creation For Audiowalks in the Historic City of Mesolonghi

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3400637 12 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Μουσική Δημιουργία για Νέα Μέσα
Library of the School of Philosophy
Deposit date:
Theofilatos Avraam-Marios
Supervisors info:
Αρετή Ανδριανοπούλου (Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια)
Θάνος Πολυμενέας- Λιοντήρης (Συνεργαζόμενος Διδάσκων)
Original Title:
Μουσική Δημιουργία Ακουστικών Περιπάτων στην Ιστορική Πόλη του Μεσολογγίου
Translated title:
Music Creation For Audiowalks in the Historic City of Mesolonghi
The purpose of this thesis is twofold; It is both to analyze and present a musical creation for a soundwalk in the historical city of Messolonghi. Both are achieved via an in - depth study of sound, soundscapes, their impact on humans, as well as the way they manage to preserve memory.
The practical procedure implemented in a simple walk, along with the creation of sound files allow the user to listen to various narrations of historical events in different spots of Messolonghi -each and every one of which is also of historic value and signif The first chapter is the introduction of this thesis.
The first chapter is the introduction of this thesis.
The second chapter analyzes the various auditory models that have been developed as well as the way people comprehend and perceive them. Moreover this thesis focuses on matters that concern the relation amongst memory and the way, via memory itself, a place's history is highlighted. Thus history becomes part of collective memory.
Furthermore the thesis' aims are being analyzed.
In the third chapter the phenomenon of sound is described, starting with the definition of sound. Furthermore various models examining the human perception of sound are analyzed. The relationship between sound, memory and historical places is also examined in this chapter.
In the fourth chapter the definition of soundscape is analyzed, through the different approaches of various scientists and artists. Soundscape's impact on societies as well as the human interaction with the soundscape are phenomena also examined in this chapter. Moreover, soundwalk's and audiowalk's definitions are provided, along with the former's basic traits' analysis. Since the audiowalk entails the subject of the practical methodology of this thesis, the way various artists and researchers implemented it is also examined. The use of various soundscape composition techniques is described in the following analysis based on its core traits, along with the definition of soundscape composition by composers who study soundscapes. Lastly, the description of audiowalk's methodology leads to the model that describes the way a user can be transferred to the past via listening to a story.
In the fifth chapter the methodology of this thesis is thoroughly described.
At first I focus on a detailed historical depiction of the Greek Revolution, specifically on the Sage of Messolonghi and the historical decision for the Exodus. Moreover, I mention various platforms used for soundwalk creation and I proceed to a step -by- step description of the musical creation for the audiowalk in the historical city of Messolonghi. I specifically analyze the way the walk was designed, the voices and soundscape recording procedure and I analytically present the whole mixage for the creation of sound files as well as their aesthetic approach.
In the next chapter all conclusions are being described, according to the thesis' Literature Review. It is also examined whether the aim of the thesis fulfilled its purpose in the practical part of the research.
Finally, the References used in order to complete the Literature Review are presented in the end of the thesis.
Main subject category:
Fine arts - Entertainment
sound, collective memory, technology, platforms, digital storytelling, soundscape, soundwalk, audiowalk, past, route, journey, record, musical composition
Number of index pages:
Contains images:
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Μουσική Δημιουργία Ακουστικών (audiowalk) στην ιστορική πόλη του Μεσολογγίου - Αβραάμ - Μάριος Θεοφιλάτος 1.pdf
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