Social Pedagogy and Therapeutic Treatment: The Contribution of Horse Therapy to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder»

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3402039 6 Read counter

Speciality Social Neuroscience, Social Pedagogy and Education
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Vantana Maria-Eirini
Supervisors info:
Μαρία Βασιλειάδου, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια Θεολογικής σχολής, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
«Κοινωνική Παιδαγωγική και Θεραπευτική Αγωγή: Η Συμβολή της Θεραπείας με Άλογα σε Παιδιά με Διαταραχή Αυτιστικού Φάσματος»
Translated title:
Social Pedagogy and Therapeutic Treatment: The Contribution of Horse Therapy to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder»
The purpose of this study is to analyze & evaluate the effectiveness of different Equine-assisted therapies in the treatment of disorders in children with autism. These disorders include a large & heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental conditions that appear differently in each patient & involve social communication, behavioral skills, sensory skills, motor skills, cognitive skills, functional participation & quality of life. On the other side, the different therapies with the assistance of horses concern: Therapeutic horseback riding, Hippotherapy, Equine-assisted learning & Equine-assisted psychotherapy. The methodology used is secondary research that includes a literature review as well as primary research based on the Delphi method. This method is a structured communication technique or methodology, originally developed as a systematic, interactive method of assessment & forecasting based on a group of experts. For this purpose, 7 professionals/experts were approached who agreed to participate in Delphi. Data extraction was carried out with questionnaires used during the various stages of the Delphi method & sent for completion to the selected group of experts. The results of the study indicate a ranking of the effectiveness of different equine-assisted therapies for the treatment of different disorders in children with autism. In addition, the study highlights the importance of Social Pedagogy with the assistance of horses.
Main subject category:
Health Sciences
Social Pedagogy, Autism disorders, Equine-assisted therapies, Delphi method
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Διπλωματική Η συμβολη της θεραπείας με άλογα σε παιδιά στο φάσμα του αυτισμού(Βαντανα Ειρήνη) .pdf
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