"The Agricultural Cooperatives of Magnesia and Their Contribution to Sustainable Development and the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage: An Educational Proposal for Sixth Grade Students"

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3410078 13 Read counter

Speciality Reading Education, Reading Promotion and Educational Material Development
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Karamargiou Konstantina
Supervisors info:
Κακάμπουρα Ρέα, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, ΠΤΔΕ, ΕΚΠΑ
Κατσαδώρος Γεώργιος, Καθηγητής, ΠΤΔΕ, ΕΚΠΑ
Μαλαφάντης Κωνσταντίνος, Καθηγητής, ΠΤΔΕ, ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
«Οι αγροτικοί συνεταιρισμοί της Μαγνησίας και η συμβολή τους στη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη και στη διαφύλαξη της Άυλης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς. Μια διδακτική πρόταση για τους μαθητές και μαθήτριες της Στ’ δημοτικού»
Translated title:
"The Agricultural Cooperatives of Magnesia and Their Contribution to Sustainable Development and the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage: An Educational Proposal for Sixth Grade Students"
The work focuses on the design and implementation of an educational program that allows the students to become themselves ethnographers by monitoring and learning about the traditional and modern regional culture as well as the ‘intangible cultural heritage’, with the implementation of photography analysis, visual and acoustic evidence, about the greatness of the two cooperatives of the Magnesia region. At the thesis it is outlined the importance of the Magnesia region, where agricultural cooperatives thrived, throughout the historical context, place, time, environment and people who helped in the process of developing the cooperatives. It takes place a brief historical review to the primitive cooperatives “DIMITRA” and “ZAGORIN” that emerged and established in the specific region after the agricultural trades declined to the point of vanishing. It is mentioned the importance of agricultural production, trade, transports and the international cooperative movement in the Magnesia region specifically and in Greece generally. The analysis covers the production methods of the products, the facilities, the challenges encountered, the reorganization of the cooperatives, and their modernization. “Dimitra” and “Zagorin” cooperatives both have fundamental principles in the basis of cooperation and solidarity among their members. Both succeeded to combine their culture and history with modern production and cultivation techniques. All the information mentioned above should be a part of the children’s education at school, disseminated from one generation to another, become a crucial part of the knowledge that serves as a bridge to the culture, habits, customs and tradition of the Magnesia area. It is also referred the importance of the native tribes, “Sarakatsanoi”, “Vlachoi” and the migrants from Asia Minor, that developed in Magnesia their cultural habits during the passage of time, making possible the connection of their history to the folk culture. Children by studying the life and development of those social groups can easily realize all the features of the local culture that needs to be reserved and protected as a common value. This notion is strengthened by the fact that the two cooperatives mentioned above are a part of the ‘intangible cultural heritage’. It is also referred that the students will learn all the detailed rules of the implementation of sustainable agricultural growing that takes place today of Zagora Pelion and Anchialos Magnesia, in the region. Finally, the students will be informed about the 17 goals of Sustainable Growth that E.U. has established as a common objective to all member countries and how the cooperatives contribute to the sustainable growth and the maintenance of ‘intangible cultural heritage’.
Main subject category:
Geography - Anthropology - Folklore
Folk culture, Folklore, Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Growth, 17 Goals of the Sustainable Growth, Cooperatives, Educational Program.
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