The attitude of the famiy to the inclusion of children with disabilities in general education

Graduate Thesis uoadl:3410345 4 Read counter

Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
Library of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science
Deposit date:
Supervisors info:
Σοφία Χαρίτου , ΕΔΙΠ , ΤΕΦΑΑ Αθηνών , ΕΚΠΑ Αθηνών ,
Original Title:
Η στάση της οικογένειας στην ένταξη παιδιών με αναπηρία στην γενική εκπαίδευση
Translated title:
The attitude of the famiy to the inclusion of children with disabilities in general education
This thesis investigates the attitude of the family towards the integration of children with
disability in general education. The purpose of the research is to examine and analyze
the opinions of parents regarding the integration of their children with special needs
educational needs in the general education environment. It is initially analyzed based on
the literature that exists on the term disability, inclusion and implementation strategies
in Greece and abroad, as well as the general attitudes that have been observed
towards the integration of students with disabilities. The methodology includes
questionnaires which were distributed to primary schools and parents of typical children
development . The results confirmed to a certain extent the assumptions that had been made. Specifically, the gender of the parents, their age, their educational level, the
their profession, the previous experience of contact with a disabled child and the previous one experience of coexistence of a child of typical development with a child with a disability in the same class were expected to influence parents' responses to his questions questionnaire, which was done in several questions but not in all, according to
with the univariate analysis of variance (ONE-WAY ANOVA) which
was held. Finally, studies that can be based and develop the present study such as the analysis of the results of inclusion in
educational process and the performance of both students with disabilities and
typical students or dealing with the integration/inclusion of children with disabilities
in secondary and higher education or school policies and practices level that encourage the positive attitude of parents and their active participation.
Main subject category:
Education - Sport science
Disability, Inclusion, Special educational needs, Special and general education, Attitudes, Prejudices, Stereotypes, Assumptions
Number of index pages:
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