Opinions and Experiences of members of the Special Education Staff regarding the operation of the Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling & Support Centers (KE.D.A.S.Y.) and their ability to contribute to the promotion of the inclusion of students with disabilities.

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:3441025 12 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Διαχείριση και Ανάπτυξη της Σχολικής Μονάδας: Παιδαγωγικές και Διοικητικές Πρακτικές
Library of the School of Education
Deposit date:
Kechagia Theodora
Supervisors info:
Θωμάς Μπαμπάλης, Καθηγητής ΠΤΔΕ-ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Απόψεις και Εμπειρίες μελών του Ειδικού Εκπαιδευτικού Προσωπικού αναφορικά με τη λειτουργία των Κέντρων Διεπιστημονικής Αξιολόγησης, Συμβουλευτικής & Υποστήριξης (ΚΕ.Δ.Α.Σ.Υ.) και τη δυνατότητά τους να συμβάλλουν στην προαγωγή της ένταξης των μαθητών/τριών με αναπηρία.
Translated title:
Opinions and Experiences of members of the Special Education Staff regarding the operation of the Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling & Support Centers (KE.D.A.S.Y.) and their ability to contribute to the promotion of the inclusion of students with disabilities.
In recent years, the institution of Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling & Support Centers (KE.D.A.S.Y) has been promoted by the legislation and educational policy of our country as the most responsible for promoting the accession goal. In more detail, in Law 4823/2021 (Government Gazette A 136/3.8.2021) it is stated that the purpose of KE.D.A.S.Y. is: "the support of students, school units and E.K. of their area of competence to ensure equal access to education for all, including students, and to protect their harmonious psychosocial development and progress. Τhe history of the organization begins in 2000, with Law 2817/2000 (Government Gazette A'78/14.03.2000), when for the first time the Centers for Diagnosis, Evaluation and Support were established in an effort of the state, on the one hand, to cover the existing deficiencies in evaluative and support services and, on the other hand, to respond to the dictates of international declarations and European directives that promoted equal access to education for people with disabilities. Since then, a series of legislative initiatives have attempted to change the name, the jurisdiction and the physiognomy of the Agency, having an impact on the organization's operation and duty list. However, despite the fact that as a result of these initiatives the KE.D.A.S.Y. acquired a wide portfolio of responsibilities and over time evaluated and supported a large number of students, a number of critical voices in the literature still mention that there is a discrepancy between the integration goal of the body in question and aspects of its operation in practice (Nteropoulou, 2012; Christopoulou & Zoniou-Sideri, 2012)

The aim of this master thesis, to investigate aspects of the functioning of the KE.D.A.S.Y institution as well as their potential to contribute to the promotion of theinclusion goal. Specifically, the qualitative methodology is followed, using semi-structured interviews in a sample of 10 interviewees belonging to the field of Special Educational Staff and have been working in KE.D.A.S.Y for at least two years. In conclusion, our findings showed that while there is an <> and many believe that we should move towards a <>, barriers and difficulties are identified, both on a legislative and practical level. KE.D.A.S.Y is an institution necessary for the promotion of inclusion, but significant changes are needed in its operation to achieve the goal of inclusive education.
Main subject category:
KE.D.A.S.Y, integration, inclusive education, disability, special educational need
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