Κατεύθυνση Ιδιωτικό Δίκαιο και Εμπορικές ΣυναλλαγέςLibrary of the School of Law
Supervisors info:
Alexandra Mikroulea, Professor of Commercial Law, Law School, Athens
Original Title:
Greenwashing and Competition Law: Addressing Deceptive Environmental Marketing Practices
Translated title:
Greenwashing and Competition Law: Addressing Deceptive Environmental Marketing Practices
This thesis explores the intersection of greenwashing and competition law, examining how deceptive environmental claims distort markets and undermine genuine sustainability efforts.
With the growing emphasis on corporate responsibility, frameworks such as the EU Taxonomy, SFDR, CSRD, and the Green Claims Directive have been introduced to enhance transparency and accountability. However, greenwashing remains a significant challenge, affecting consumers, businesses, and the broader environmental agenda.
A key focus of the thesis is the role of EU competition law, particularly Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, in regulating misleading sustainability claims. The critical development of the Horizontal Guidelines, that now recognize sustainability agreements, ensures that sustainability efforts are not hindered by rigid antitrust enforcement.
The work also provides a comparative analysis of innovative national approaches of competition authorities. These case studies illustrate how innovation and regulation can work together to support real sustainability while combating greenwashing.
A specific chapter delves into real-life examples of greenwashing and how they have been tackled, showcasing the challenges and responses in various contexts.
The research concludes that competition law must work alongside consumer protection and environmental regulations to ensure a fair and transparent marketplace, with continuous adaptation and stricter enforcement necessary to support real sustainability.
Main subject category:
Law and Legislation
Other subject categories:
Private Law
Commercial Law
Greenwashing, Competition Law, Environmental Marketing, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, SFDR, EU Taxonomy Regulation, ACM, Greek Sustainability Sandbox , Article 101 TFEU, Article 102 TFEU, Sustainability
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