Conference Proceedings uoadl:1001834 3387 Read counter
1. A value-driven culture for information system development
Conference Paper uoadl:10544562. Classifying information systems: the need for intelligent organisational support
Conference Paper uoadl:10544573. Unlocking the secrets of information systems failures: the key role of evaluation
Conference Paper uoadl:10544614. Modeling organizations using roles and agents
Conference Paper uoadl:10544645. Information systems architecture: planning for successful implementation
Conference Paper uoadl:10544686. Περιβάλλοντα διοίκησης σχηματισμών λογισμικού μεγάλης κλίμακας
Conference Paper uoadl:10545337. A data model for software design decisions representation and management
Conference Paper uoadl:10545348. Orient: an object oriented integrated environment: research paper
Conference Paper uoadl:105453910. Decision support for nuclear emergency response
Conference Paper uoadl:105454611. Specifying the interaction with an expert system shell using interactive multi flow graphs (IMFG)
Conference Paper uoadl:105454812. A designer's decision aiding system: DDAS
Conference Paper uoadl:105455013. Neo-Dat: an expert system to support the designers of clinical trials
Conference Paper uoadl:105455214. A semantically correct bayesian network-based information retrieval system
Conference Paper uoadl:105455615. Enchancing database retrieval performance using record clustering
Conference Paper uoadl:105455916. Connectivity and protocols: the library and information services environment
Conference Paper uoadl:105456217. Σύστημα διαχείρισης βάσης δεδομένων με υποστήριξη πολλαπλών χρόνων
Conference Paper uoadl:105456418. Memory reference locality and periodic relocation in main memory search trees
Conference Paper uoadl:105470119. On some properties and recognition algorithms of a new class undirected graphs
Conference Paper uoadl:105470520. Μητροειδείς γραμματικές και αυτόματη επεξεργασία της νεοελληνικής
Conference Paper uoadl:1054707