Evaluation of the effect of nutrition on cardiovascular disease οf salmonidae and in vitro study of the cardioprotective properties byproduct of oil production (olive pomace)

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:1316274 672 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Χημεία Τροφίμων
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Λυτούδη Κωνσταντίνα
Supervisors info:
Ιωάννης Ζαμπετάκης Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (Επιβλέπων), Μαρκάκη Παναγιώτα Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Προεστός Χαράλαμπος Λέκτορας
Original Title:
Αξιολόγηση της επίδρασης της διατροφής των Σολομοειδών στα καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα και μελέτη των in vitro καρδιοπροστατευτικών ιδιοτήτων παραπροϊόντος ελαιουργίας (ελαιοπυρήνα)
Translated title:
Evaluation of the effect of nutrition on cardiovascular disease οf salmonidae and in vitro study of the cardioprotective properties byproduct of oil production (olive pomace)
The object of study focuses on two fish, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
and three groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), as well as their feeds. The
first stage of the study was the extraction of samples in order to receive
total lipids (TL) and the separation of these in total polar lipids (TPL) and
total neutral lipids (TNL). TL, TPL and TNL were tested in vitro for their
ability to aggregate platelets or inhibit the platelet-activating factor
(PAF)-induced aggregation. Meanwhile with the use of Gas Chromatography
(GC-FID) qualitative and quantitative determination of the most important TPL’s
and TNL’s fatty acids of rainbow trout and feed was taken place, as well as TPL’
s fatty acids of three groups of Atlantic salmon and their feeds.
As a next stage, the sample of olive pomace was extracted and received total
lipids (TL), which were separated in total polar lipids (TPL) and total neutral
lipids (TNL). TPL were further separated by preparative thin-layer
chromatography (TLC). TL, TPL, and the obtained polar lipid fractions after TLC
separation were tested to determine the biological activity against
atherosclerosis based on the in vitro inhibition of Platelet Activating Factor
(PAF)-induced platelet aggregation. Meanwhile with the use of Gas
Chromatography (GC-FID) qualitative and quantitative determination of the most
important TPL’s fatty acids of olive pomace was taken place.
It was proved that all samples of fish and fish feeds exhibited biological
activity, by inhibiting the activity of PAF and hence the formation of
atherosclerotic plaques. Comparing the three groups of Atlantic salmon, we
noted that Salmon Fish Feed 1 and Salmon 1 showed stronger inhibitory activity,
which is interpreted by the composition of Fish Feed 1 which mostly consists of
fish oil and fish meal. Thus, the partial replacement of fish oil with rapeseed
oil didn’t show the expected results. For this reason it was necessary to test
olive pomace for possible biological activity. It was proved that total polar
and polar lipid fractions showed inhibitory effect on PAF-induced platelet
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Olive pomace, Polar lipids, Platelet Activating Factor (PAF)
Number of index pages:
xvii-xxii, 129
Contains images:
Number of references:
Number of pages:
xxii, 140
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