Existing early warning systems for flood in Greece

Postgraduate Thesis uoadl:2899411 287 Read counter

Κατεύθυνση Στρατηγικές Διαχείρισης Καταστροφών και Κρίσεων
Library of the School of Science
Deposit date:
Kylafis Spyridon
Supervisors info:
Δρ. Β. Αντωνίου,
Δρ. Γεωλόγος, Ε.Δ.Ι.Π. ΕΚΠΑ
Μ. Διακάκης
Δρ. Γεωλόγος, Εξωτερικός Συνεργάτης ΕΚΠΑ
Δρ. Ε. Σκούρτσος,
Επικ. Καθηγ. ΕΚΠΑ

Δρ. Ε. Λέκκας,
Καθηγ. ΕΚΠΑ
Original Title:
Υφιστάμενα συστήματα έγκαιρης προειδοποίησης πλημμυρών στον Ελληνικό χώρο.
Translated title:
Existing early warning systems for flood in Greece
Floods are a major issue for the safety of the world's population, as they are associated with an increased rate of human casualties compared to other natural disasters.
In addition to the significant percentages among other types of natural disasters, floods record significant absolute figures, demonstrating their exceptional importance, and in recent years both internationally and in Greece, we have experienced very serious flood events with many victims (eg Mandra 2017) but also extensive impacts on property and infrastructure.
Risk reduction actions can be structural or non-structural (eg demarcation zones of danger, early warning systems, etc.) and aim at a comprehensive and multifaceted solution to the flood issue. In recent years the choice of non-structural measures has been considered necessary in conjunction with the more traditional approaches to technical works.
Sudden and heavy rainfall is the most important dynamic factor in combination with others (geomorphological, etc.) in the occurrence of sudden floods in Greece. Early warning of flood events contributes to alerting citizens and taking appropriate measures by the state (eg increased public preparedness, self-protection measures). In Greece, early warning of the possibility of flooding is provided by the General Secretariat for Civil Protection which is based on forecasts by the National Meteorological Service (eg heavy rainfall, heavy thunderstorms). However, it is not known how many and what other such systems exist and operate on a smaller scale.
The purpose of the present dissertation is to record and holistically understand the existing early warning systems in the area of Greece, including their function, their type and the scale in which they operate.
Main subject category:
Early warning systems, Flood, Flood risk, Mornos Dam, Dam failure
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