A Membrane-less Alkaline High pressure Electrolyzer

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Πρωτότυπος Τίτλος:
A Membrane-less Alkaline High pressure Electrolyzer
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Solovey, V.
Zipunnikov, M.
Vorobjova, I.
Kozak, L.
Spirin, E.
A. Pidgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine
”Yuzhnoye” State design Office, 3 Krivorozhskaya str., Dnipro, 49008, Ukraine
The traditional technology of hydrogen generation using water electrolysis has a number of
serious drawbacks, which at the present stage significantly slow down the development of
hydrogen power engineering. These disadvantages primarily include the need to use the
separating ion-exchange membranes between the electrodes in alkaline electrolyzers and the
need to use the critical raw materials (platinum group metals and rare earth elements).
Separating membranes do not allow high-pressure gas generation, which results in the need
to use the complex and expensive compressor equipment to fill gas storage tanks, as well as
results in additional energy consumption during gas generation and storage.
The Ukrainian scientists have developed a new concept of membrane-less alkaline highpressure electrolyzer [1].
This electrolyser is based on the use of an innovative technology of separate generation of
hydrogen and oxygen in alternating cycles, which physically excludes mixing of the two gases.
The absence of separating ion-exchange membranes in the electrolyzer design increases the
specific performance and practically removes the limitations on the pressure of gases in the
working area. The pressure of the generated gases is limited only by the strength of the
working capacities of the electrolyzer. This technology does not require the use of platinum and rare earth metals and any catalytic materials, it greatly simplifies the design of the
electrolyzer and allows to completely abandon the compressing equipment in the system of
gases generation and storage. These advantages allow reaching and exceeding the most
important prospective parameters of alkaline electrolyzers.
The technology for generating hydrogen and oxygen by the high-pressure membrane-less
electrolyzer has passed a full cycle of testing on the laboratory samples of low productivity (up
to 1m3/h) and just now it is at the stage of preparation and optimization of the technical
solutions that are necessary for the industrial application of this technology [6].
Reversible electrolyzers, to be developed in the future based on the technology of the
membrane-less high pressure electrolyzer, will provide the opportunity for creating the energy
complexes designed for operational balancing of energy in the industrial networks under sharp
increase in energy consumption or under sharp decrease in energy generation by wind and
solar stations [5].
The development of the proposed technology for the industrial hydrogen production makes it
possible to start a practical solution of the problems of power supply to the Lunar Base, which
is being created within the framework of the pan-European programs, as well as makes it
possible in the near future to solve the problems of obtaining the rocket fuel on the lunar
Σελίδες (από-έως):
Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές:
1. V. Solovey, M. Zipunnikov, A. Shevchenko, I. Vorobjova, A. Kotenko, Energy Effective
Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electrochemical Generation,
French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry (2018) Vol. 6. - № 1. – Р. 151 – 156.
2. V. Solovey, Nguyen Tien Khiem, M. Zipunnikov, A. Shevchenko, Improvement of the
Membrane - less Electrolysis Technology for Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation,
French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry (2018) Vol. 6. - № 2. – Р. 73 – 79.
3. M. Zipunnikov. Formation of potassium ferrate in a membrane-less electrolysis
process of water decomposition, Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Dnieper (2019) № 1. P. 42-47. DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2019-126-5-42-47.
4. V. Solovey, M. Zipunnikov, V.Semikin, Method for Calculating the Feed Water
Replenishment Parameters, French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry (2020) Vol. 8 (2).
– P. 168-175. https://doi.org/10.17721/fujcV8I2P168-175 58 AREMS template WP18-
20 v20180201.
5. A. Rusanov, V. Solovey, M. Zipunnikov, Improvement of the membrane-free
electrolysis process of hydrogen and oxygen production, Naukovyi visnyk
Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, Dnipro: Dnipro University of Technology
(2021) № 1. - Р. 117-122.
6. STCU Partner Project # P587 titled “The Wind - Hydrogen Energy Storage”, (PNNL-T2-
0312), DOE’s Initiative for Proliferation Prevention Program, USA, (2013-2015).
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