Annual Research Review of Laboratory of Chemistry and Materials Technology

Σύνολο ερευνητικών δεδομένων uoadl:3393050 50 Αναγνώσεις

Τμήμα Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης, Αγροδιατροφής και Διαχείρισης Φυσικών Πόρων
Annual Research Review of Laboratory of Chemistry and Materials Technology
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The Annual Research Review of 2024 provides a concise overview of the Laboratory of Chemistry and Materials Technology (LCMT) and its accomplishments under the direction of Professor Vassilis Stathopoulos during the calendar year 2023. This report aims to encapsulate the laboratory's advancements in chemistry and materials science, focusing on its commitment to sustainable technology innovation and provide access to the research data generated and reported within 2023.
LCMT, affiliated with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), is a hub of interdisciplinary research at the forefront of materials science, and active part in the NKUA research institutes ecosystem. LCMT through Prof V. Stathopoulos is a member of Research Institute of Energy, Renewables and Transport and Research Institute of Biotechnology, Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development - RIBIO3. Prof. Vassili Stathopoulos leads LCMT with a vision for sustainable solutions. His academic journey, including research stints in Germany and industrial experience, enriches LCMT's collaborative ethos. Professor Stathopoulos' leadership is marked by securing substantial funding, spearheading numerous research projects, and prolific publication in scientific journals. LCMT's research trajectory, under his guidance, emphasizes the development of materials with environmental and energy applications, positioning the laboratory as a key player in advancing sustainable technologies.
Έτος δημιουργίας:
Vassilis Stathopoulos
materials, coatings, catalysis, energy, hydrophobicity, perovskites, fuel cells, wetting, corrosion, depollution, environment, hydrogen
Κύρια θεματική κατηγορία:
Θετικές Επιστήμες
Annual Report_2023.pdf (6 MB) Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο