Τομέας Στατιστικής και Επιχειρησιακής ΈρευναςLibrary of the School of Science
Dissertation committee:
Αντώνης Οικονόμου Αναπλ. Καθηγ. ,(Επιβλέπων), Απόστολος Μπουρνέτας Καθηγητής, Χαράλαμπος Παπαγεωργίου Καθηγητής
Original Title:
Στρατηγικοί πελάτες σε συστήματα αναμονής με ομαδικές αναχωρήσεις πελατών
Translated title:
Strategic customers in queuing systems with batch removals
We study strategic customers' behavior on queueing systems with batch removals,
regarding the join-balk dilemma. More concretely, we consider queueing systems
that are subjected to catastrophes and queueing systems where customers are
served in batches and determine their equlibrium strategies. In addition, we
study the social and profir optimization problems.
Equilibrium strategies, Join-balk, Catastrophes, Batch services, Dominant strategies