Cytotoxic effects of polycarbonate-based orthodontic brackets by activation of mitochondrial apoptotic mechanisms
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the biological effects of water eluents from polycarbonate based esthetic orthodontic brackets. Methods: The composite polycarbonate brackets tested were Silkon Plus (SL, fiber-glass-reinforced), Elan ME (EL, ceramic particle-reinforced) and Elegance (EG, fiber-glass-reinforced). An unfilled polyoxymethylene bracket (Brilliant, BR) was used as control. The brackets' composition was analyzed by ATR-FTIR spectrometry. The cytotoxicity and estrogenicity of the eluents obtained after 3 months storage of the brackets in water (37 °C) were investigated in murine fibroblasts (NIH 3T3), breast (MCF-7) and cervical cancer (CCl-2/Hela) cell lines. Results: SL and EG were based on aromatic-polycarbonate matrix, whereas EL consisted of an aromatic polycarbonate-polyethylene terepthalate copolymer. A significant induction of cell death and a concurrent decrease in cell proliferation was noted in the EG eluent-treated cells. Moreover, EG eluent significantly reduced the levels of the estrogen signaling associated gene pS2, specifically in MCF7 cells, suggesting that cell death induced by this material is associated with downregulation of estrogen signaling pathways. Even though oxidative stress mechanisms were equally activated by all eluents, the EG eluents induced expression of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) and reduced Bcl-xL protein levels. Significance: Some polycarbonate-based composite brackets when exposed to water release substances than activate mitochondrial apoptosis. © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kloukos, D.
Taoufik, E.
Eliades, T.
Katsaros, C.
Eliades, G.
Apoptosis-inducing factors; Apoptotic mechanisms; ATR FTIR; Biological effects; Cell lines; Cervical cancers; Cytotoxic effects; Down-regulation; Eluents; Estrogenicity; Exposed to; MCF-7 cells; Mitochondrial apoptosis; Murine fibroblasts; Orthodontic brackets; Polyoxymethylene; Protein level; Signaling pathways; Stress mechanisms; Water release, Acetal resins; Aromatic compounds; Cell culture; Cell death; Cell proliferation; Cell signaling; Chemical analysis; Cytotoxicity; Fasteners; Glass; Particle reinforced composites; Reinforcement, Polycarbonates, apoptosis inducing factor; estrogen; polycarbonate; polycarboxylate cement; estrogen; polycarboxylate cement, analysis of variance; animal; apoptosis; article; cell strain 3T3; cell strain MCF 7; drug effect; enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; HeLa cell; human; infrared spectroscopy; metabolism; mitochondrion; mouse; orthodontic bracket; reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; 3T3 cell line; adverse effects; apoptosis; drug effects; HeLa cell line; MCF 7 cell line; mitochondrion; orthodontic bracket, Analysis of Variance; Animals; Apoptosis; Apoptosis Inducing Factor; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Estrogens; HeLa Cells; Humans; MCF-7 Cells; Mice; Mitochondria; NIH 3T3 Cells; Orthodontic Brackets; Polycarboxylate Cement; Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction; Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared, Analysis of Variance; Animals; Apoptosis; Apoptosis Inducing Factor; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Estrogens; HeLa Cells; Humans; MCF-7 Cells; Mice; Mitochondria; NIH 3T3 Cells; Orthodontic Brackets; Polycarboxylate Cement; Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction; Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared