Unmet medical needs in pulmonary neuroendocrine (Carcinoid) neoplasms
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Pulmonary carcinoids (PCs) display the common features of all well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) and are classified as low- A nd intermediate-grade malignant tumours (i.e., typical and atypical carcinoid, respectively). There is a paucity of randomised studies dedicated to advanced PCs and management principles are drawn from the larger gastroenteropancreatic NEN experience. There is growing evidence that NEN anatomic subgroups have different biology and different responses to treatment and, therefore, should be investigated as separate entities in clinical trials. In this review, we discuss the existing evidence and limitations of tumour classification, diagnostics and staging, prognostication, and treatment in the setting of PC, with focus on unmet medical needs and directions for the future. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel. All rights reserved.
Baudin, E.
Hayes, A.R.
Scoazec, J.-Y.
Filosso, P.L.
Lim, E.
Kaltsas, G.
Frilling, A.
Chen, J.
Kos-Kudła, B.
Gorbunova, V.
Wiedenmann, B.
Nieveen Van Dijkum, E.
Cwikła, J.B.
Falkerby, J.
Valle, J.W.
Kulke, M.H.
Caplin, M.E.
ISRN Neuroendocrinology
tumor marker, biology; cancer adjuvant therapy; cancer diagnosis; cancer palliative therapy; cancer recurrence; cancer staging; cancer surgery; carcinoid; Conference Paper; disease association; endocrine disease; futurology; human; lung tumor; needs assessment; neuroendocrine tumor; priority journal; treatment response; tumor classification; tumor localization; carcinoid; classification; lung tumor; medical research; neuroendocrine tumor; prognosis, Biomedical Research; Carcinoid Tumor; Humans; Lung Neoplasms; Neuroendocrine Tumors; Prognosis