Opportunistic infections and AIDS malignancies early after initiating combination antiretroviral therapy in high-income countries

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3002849 81 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Opportunistic infections and AIDS malignancies early after initiating combination antiretroviral therapy in high-income countries
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Background: There is little information on the incidence of AIDS-defining events which have been reported in the literature to be associated with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) after combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) initiation. These events include tuberculosis, mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), herpes simplex virus (HSV), Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), cryptococcosis and candidiasis.
Methods: We identified individuals in the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration, which includes data from six European countries and the US, who were HIV-positive between 1996 and 2013, antiretroviral therapy naive, aged at least 18 years, hadCD4+ cell count and HIV-RNA measurements and had been AIDS-free for at least 1 month between those measurements and the start of follow-up. For each AIDS-defining event, we estimated the hazard ratio for no cART versus less than 3 and at least 3 months since cART initiation, adjusting for time-varying CD4+ cell count and HIV-RNA via inverse probability weighting.
Results: Out of 96 562 eligible individuals (78% men) with median (interquantile range) follow-up of 31 [13,65] months, 55 144 initiated cART. The number of cases varied between 898 for tuberculosis and 113 for PML. Compared with non-cART initiation, the hazard ratio (95% confidence intervals) up to 3 months after cART initiation were 1.21 (0.90-1.63) for tuberculosis, 2.61 (1.05-6.49) for MAC, 1.17 (0.34-4.08) for CMV retinitis, 1.18 (0.62-2.26) for PML, 1.21 (0.83-1.75) for HSV, 1.18 (0.87-1.58) for Kaposi sarcoma, 1.56 (0.82-2.95) for NHL, 1.11 (0.56-2.18) for cryptococcosis and 0.77 (0.40-1.49) for candidiasis.
Conclusion: With the potential exception of mycobacterial infections, unmasking IRIS does not appear to be a common complication of cART initiation in high-income countries. © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Lodi, S.
Del Amo, J.
Moreno, S.
Bucher, H.C.
Furrer, H.
Logan, R.
Sterne, J.
Pérez-Hoyos, S.
Jarrín, I.
Phillips, A.
Olson, A.
Van Sighem, A.
Reiss, P.
Sabin, C.
Jose, S.
Justice, A.
Goulet, J.
Miró, J.M.
Ferrer, E.
Meyer, L.
Seng, R.
Vourli, G.
Antoniadou, A.
Dabis, F.
Vandenhede, M.-A.
Costagliola, D.
Abgrall, S.
Hernán, M.A.
Hernan, M.
Bansi, L.
Hill, T.
Sabin, C.
Dunn, D.
Porter, K.
Glabay, A.
Orkin, C.
Thomas, R.
Jones, K.
Fisher, M.
Perry, N.
Pullin, A.
Churchill, D.
Gazzard, B.
Nelson, M.
Asboe, D.
Bulbeck, S.
Mandalia, S.
Clarke, J.
Delpech, V.
Anderson, J.
Munshi, S.
Post, F.
Easterbrook, P.
Khan, Y.
Patel, P.
Karim, F.
Duffell, S.
Gilson, R.
Man, S.-L.
Williams, I.
Gompels, M.
Dooley, D.
Schwenk, A.
Ainsworth, J.
Johnson, M.
Youle, M.
Lampe, F.
Smith, C.
Grabowska, H.
Chaloner, C.
Ismajani Puradiredja, D.
Bansi, L.
Hill, T.
Phillips, A.
Sabin, C.
Walsh, J.
Weber, J.
Kemble, C.
Mackie, N.
Winston, A.
Leen, C.
Wilson, A.
Bezemer, D.O.
Gras, L.A.J.
Kesselring, A.M.
Van Sighem, A.I.
Zaheri, S.
Van Twillert, G.
Kortmann, W.
Branger, J.
Prins, J.M.
Kuijpers, T.W.
Scherpbier, H.J.
Van Der Meer, J.T.M.
Wit, F.W.M.N.
Godfried, M.H.
Reiss, P.
Van Der Poll, T.
Nellen, F.J.B.
Lange, J.M.A.
Geerlings, S.E.
Van Vugt, M.
Pajkrt, D.
Bos, J.C.
Van Der Valk, M.
Grijsen, M.L.
Wiersinga, W.J.
Brinkman, K.
Blok, W.L.
Frissen, P.H.J.
Schouten, W.E.M.
Van Den Berk, G.E.L.
Veenstra, J.
Lettinga, K.D.
Mulder, J.W.
Vrouenraets, S.M.E.
Lauw, F.N.
Van Eeden, A.
Verhagen, D.W.M.
Van Agtmael, M.A.
Perenboom, R.M.
Claessen, F.A.P.
Bomers, M.
Peters, E.J.G.
Richter, C.
Van Der Berg, J.P.
Gisolf, E.H.
Schippers, E.F.
Van Nieuwkoop, C.
Van Elzakker, E.P.
Leyten, E.M.S.
Gelinck, L.B.S.
Pronk, M.J.H.
Bravenboer, B.
Kootstra, G.J.
Delsing, C.E.
Sprenger, H.G.
Doedens, R.
Scholvinck, E.H.
Van Assen, S.
Bierman, W.F.W.
Soetekouw, R.
Ten Kate, R.W.
Van Vonderen, M.G.A.
Van Houte, D.P.F.
Kroon, F.P.
Van Dissel, J.T.
Arend, S.M.
De Boer, M.G.J.
Jolink, H.
Ter Vollaard, H.J.M.
Bauer, M.P.
Weijer, S.
El Moussaoui, R.
Lowe, S.
Schreij, G.
Oude Lashof, A.
Posthouwer, D.
Koopmans, P.P.
Keuter, M.
Van Der Ven, A.J.A.M.
Ter Hofstede, H.J.M.
Dofferhoff, A.S.M.
Warris, A.
Van Crevel, R.
Van Der Ende, M.E.
De Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S.
Schurink, C.A.M.
Nouwen, J.L.
Nispen Tot Pannerden, M.H.
Verbon, A.
Rijnders, B.J.A.
Van Gorp, E.C.M.
Hassing, R.J.
Smeulders, A.W.M.
Hartwig, N.G.
Driessen, G.J.A.
Den Hollander, J.G.
Pogany, K.
Juttmann, J.R.
Van Kasteren, M.E.E.
Hoepelman, A.I.M.
Mudrikova, T.
Schneider, M.M.E.
Jaspers, C.A.J.J.
Ellerbroek, P.M.
Oosterheert, J.J.
Arends, J.E.
Wassenberg, M.W.M.
Barth, R.E.
Geelen, S.P.M.
Wolfs, T.F.W.
Bont, L.J.
Van Den Berge, M.
Stegeman, A.
Groeneveld, P.H.P.
Alleman, M.A.
Bouwhuis, J.W.
Barin, F.
Burty, C.
Duvivier, C.
Enel, P.
Fredouille-Heripret, L.
Gasnault, J.
Khuong, M.A.
Mahamat, A.
Pilorgé, F.
Tattevin, P.
Salomon, V.
Jacquemet, N.
Abgrall, S.
Costagliola, D.
Grabar, S.
Guiguet, M.
Lanoy, E.
Lièvre, L.
Mary-Krause, M.
Selinger-Leneman, H.
Lacombe, J.M.
Potard, V.
Bricaire, F.
Herson, S.
Katlama, C.
Simon, A.
Desplanque, N.
Girard, P.M.
Meynard, J.L.
Meyohas, M.C.
Picard, O.
Cadranel, J.
Mayaud, C.
Pialoux, G.
Clauvel, J.P.
Decazes, J.M.
Gerard, L.
Molina, J.M.
Diemer, M.
Sellier, P.
Bentata, M.
Honoré, P.
Jeantils, V.
Tassi, S.
Mechali, D.
Taverne, B.
Bouvet, E.
Crickx, B.
Ecobichon, J.L.
Matheron, S.
Picard-Dahan, C.
Yeni, P.
Berthé, H.
Dupont, C.
Chandemerle, C.
Mortier, E.
De Truchis, P.
Tisne-Dessus, D.
Weiss, L.
Salmon, D.
Auperin, I.
Gilquin, J.
Roudière, L.
Viard, J.P.
Boué, F.
Fior, R.
Delfraissy, J.F.
Goujard, C.
Jung, C.
Lesprit, Ph.
Vittecoq, D.
Fraisse, P.
Lang, J.M.
Rey, D.
Beck-Wirth, G.
Stahl, J.P.
Lecercq, P.
Gourdon, F.
Laurichesse, H.
Fresard, A.
Lucht, F.
Bazin, C.
Verdon, R.
Chavanet, P.
Arvieux, C.
Michelet, C.
Choutet, P.
Goudeau, A.
Maître, M.F.
Hoen, B.
Eglinger, P.
Faller, J.P.
Borsa-Lebas, F.
Caron, F.
Reynes, J.
Daures, J.P.
May, T.
Rabaud, C.
Berger, J.L.
Rémy, G.
Arlet-Suau, E.
Cuzin, L.
Massip, P.
Thiercelin Legrand, M.F.
Pontonnier, G.
Viget, N.
Yasdanpanah, Y.
Dellamonica, P.
Pradier, C.
Pugliese, P.
Aleksandrowicz, K.
Quinsat, D.
Ravaux, I.
Tissot-Dupont, H.
Delmont, J.P.
Moreau, J.
Gastaut, J.A.
Poizot-Martin, I.
Retornaz, F.
Soubeyrand, J.
Galinier, A.
Ruiz, J.M.
Allegre, T.
Blanc, P.A.
Bonnet-Montchardon, D.
Lepeu, G.
Granet-Brunello, P.
Esterni, J.P.
Pelissier, L.
Cohen-Valensi, R.
Nezri, M.
Chadapaud, S.
Laffeuillade, A.
Billaud, E.
Raffi, F.
Boibieux, A.
Peyramond, D.
Livrozet, J.M.
Touraine, J.L.
Cotte, L.
Trepo, C.
Strobel, M.
Bissuel, F.
Pradinaud, R.
Sobesky, M.
Cabié, A.
Gaud, C.
Contant, M.
Aubert, V.
Barth, J.
Battegay, M.
Bernasconi, E.
Böni, J.
Bucher, H.C.
Burton-Jeangros, C.
Calmy, A.
Cavassini, M.
Egger, M.
Elzi, L.
Fehr, J.
Fellay, J.
Furrer, H.
Haerry, D.
Fux, C.A.
Gorgievski, M.
Günthard, H.
Hasse, B.
Hirsch, H.H.
Hösli, I.
Kahlert, C.
Kaiser, L.
Keiser, O.
Klimkait, T.
Kovari, H.
Ledergerber, B.
Martinetti, G.
Martinez De Tejada, B.
Metzner, K.
Müller, N.
Nadal, D.
Pantaleo, G.
Rauch, A.
Regenass, S.
Rickenbach, M.
Rudin, C.
Schmid, P.
Schultze, D.
Schöni-Affolter, F.
Schüpbach, J.
Speck, R.
Taffé, P.
Tarr, P.
Telenti, A.
Trkola, A.
Vernazza, P.
Weber, R.
Yerly, S.
Casabona, J.
Gallois, A.
Esteve, A.
Podzamczer, D.
Murillas, J.
Gatell, J.M.
Manzardo, C.
Tural, C.
Clotet, B.
Ferrer, E.
Riera, M.
Segura, F.
Navarro, G.
Force, L.
Vilaró, J.
Masabeu, A.
García, I.
Guadarrama, M.
Cifuentes, C.
Dalmau, D.
Jaen, À.
Agustí, C.
Montoliu, A.
Pérez, I.
Gargoulas, F.
Blanco, J.L.
Garcia-Alcaide, F.
Martínez, E.
Mallolas, J.
López-Dieguez, M.
García-Goez, J.F.
Sirera, G.
Romeu, J.
Jou, A.
Negredo, E.
Miranda, C.
Capitan, M.C.
Saumoy, M.
Imaz, A.
Tiraboschi, J.M.
Murillo, O.
Bolao, F.
Peña, C.
Cabellos, C.
Masó, M.
Vila, A.
Sala, M.
Cervantes, M.
Jose Amengual, Ma.
Navarro, M.
Penelo, E.
Barrufet, P.
Bejarano, G.
Molina, J.
Guadarrama, M.
Alvaro, M.
Mercadal, J.
Fernandez, J.
Ospina, J.E.
Muñoz, M.A.
Caro-Murillo, A.M.
Sobrino, P.
Jarrín, I.
Gomez Sirvent, J.L.
Rodríguez, P.
Aleman, M.R.
Alonso, M.M.
Lopez, A.M.
Hernandez, M.I.
Soriano, V.
Labarga, P.
Barreiro, P.
Medrano, J.
Rivas, P.
Herrero, D.
Blanco, F.
Vispo, M.E.
Martín, L.
Ramírez, G.
De Diego, M.
Rubio, R.
Pulido, F.
Moreno, V.
Cepeda, C.
Hervás, Rl.
Iribarren, J.A.
Arrizabalaga, J.
Aramburu, M.J.
Camino, X.
Rodrí-guez-Arrondo, F.
Von Wichmann, M.A.
Pascual, L.
Goenaga, M.A.
Gutierrez, F.
Masia, M.
Ramos, J.M.
Padilla, S.
Sanchez-Hellín, V.
Bernal, E.
Escolano, C.
Montolio, F.
Peral, Y.
Berenguer, J.
Lopez, J.C.
Miralles, P.
Cosín, J.
Sanchez, M.
Gutierrez, I.
Ramírez, M.
Padilla, B.
Vidal, F.
Sanjuan, M.
Peraire, J.
Veloso, S.
Vilades, C.
Lopez-Dupla, M.
Olona, M.
Vargas, M.
Aldeguer, J.L.
Blanes, M.
Lacruz, J.
Salavert, M.
Montero, M.
Cuéllar, S.
De Los Santos, I.
Sanz, J.
Oteo, J.A.
Blanco, J.R.
Ibarra, V.
Metola, L.
Sanz, M.
Pérez-Martínez, L.
Sola, J.
Uriz, J.
Castiello, J.
Reparaz, J.
Arriaza, M.J.
Irigoyen, C.
Moreno, S.
Antela, A.
Casado, J.L.
Dronda, F.
Moreno, A.
Pérez, M.J.
López, D.
Gutiérrez, C.
Hernández, B.
Pumares, M.
Martí, P.
García, L.
Page, C.
García, F.
Hernández, J.
Peña, A.
Muñoz, L.
Parra, J.
Viciana, P.
Leal, M.
López-Cortés, L.F.
Trastoy, M.
Mata, R.
Justice, A.C.
Fiellin, D.A.
Rimland, D.
Jones-Taylor, C.
Oursler, K.A.
Titanji, R.
Brown, S.
Garrison, S.
Rodriguez-Barradas, M.
Masozera, N.
Goetz, M.
Leaf, D.
Simberkoff, M.
Blumenthal, D.
Leung, J.
Butt, A.
Hoffman, E.
Gibert, C.
Peck, R.
Mattocks, K.
Braithwaite, S.
Brandt, C.
Bryant, K.
Cook, R.
Conigliaro, J.
Crothers, K.
Chang, J.
Crystal, S.
Day, N.
Erdos, J.
Freiberg, M.
Kozal, M.
Gandhi, N.
Gaziano, M.
Gerschenson, M.
Good, B.
Gordon, A.
Goulet, J.L.
Kraemer, K.
Lim, J.
Maisto, S.
Miller, P.
Mole, L.
O'Connor, P.
Papas, R.
Robins, J.M.
Rinaldo, C.
Roberts, M.
Samet, J.
Tierney, B.
Whittle, J.
Babiker, A.
Brettle, R.
Darbyshire, J.
Gilson, R.
Goldberg, D.
Hawkins, D.
Jaffe, H.
Johnson, A.
McLean, K.
Pillay, D.
Cursley, A.
Ewings, F.
Fairbrother, K.
Louisa Gnatiuc, S.L.
Murphy, B.
Douglas, G.
Kennedy, N.
Pritchard, J.
Andrady, U.
Rajda, N.
Maw, R.
McKernan, S.
Drake, S.
Gilleran, G.
White, D.
Ross, J.
Toomer, S.
Hewart, R.
Wilding, H.
Woodward, R.
Dean, G.
Heald, L.
Horner, P.
Glover, S.
Bansaal, D.
Eduards, S.
Carne, C.
Browing, M.
Das, R.
Stanley, B.
Estreich, S.
Magdy, A.
O'Mahony, C.
Fraser, P.
Hayman, B.
Jebakumar, S.P.R.
Joshi, U.
Ralph, S.
Wade, A.
Mette, R.
Lalik, J.
Summerfield, H.
El-Dalil, A.
France, J.A.
White, C.
Robertson, R.
Gordon, S.
McMillan, S.
Morris, S.
Lean, C.
Vithayathil, K.
McLean, L.
Winter, A.
Gale, D.
Jacobs, S.
Tayal, S.
Short, L.
Roberts, M.
Green, S.
Williams, G.
Sivakumar, K.
Bhattacharyya, N.D.
Monteiro, E.
Minton, J.
Dhar, J.
Nye, F.
De Souza, C.B.
Isaksen, A.
McDonald, L.
McLean, K.
Franca, A.
Hawkins, D.
William, L.
Jendrulek, I.
Peters, B.
Shaunak, S.
El-Gadi, S.
Easterbrook, P.J.
Mazhude, C.
Gilson, R.
Johnstone, R.
Fakoya, A.
McHale, J.
Waters, A.
Kegg, S.
Mitchell, S.
Byrne, P.
Johnson, M.
Rice, P.
Fidler, S.
Mullaney, S.A.
McCormack, S.
David, D.
Melville, R.
Phillip, K.
Balachandran, T.
Mabey-Puttock, S.
Sukthankar, A.
Murphy, C.
Wilkins, E.
Ahmad, S.
Tayal, S.
Haynes, J.
Evans, E.
Ong, E.
Das, R.
Grey, R.
Meaden, J.
Bignell, C.
Loay, D.
Peacock, K.
Girgis, M.R.
Morgan, B.
Palfreeman, A.
Wilcox, J.
Tobin, J.
Tucker, L.
Saeed, A.M.
Chen, F.
Deheragada, A.
Williams, O.
Lacey, H.
Herman, S.
Kinghorn, D.
Devendra, V.S.
Wither, J.
Dawson, S.
Rowen, D.
Harvey, J.
Wilkins, E.
Bridgwood, A.
Singh, G.
Chauhan, M.
Kellock, D.
Young, S.
Dannino, S.
Kathir, Y.
Rooney, G.
Currie, J.
Fitzgerald, M.
Devendra, S.
Keane, F.
Booth, G.
Green, T.
Arumainayyagam, J.
Chandramani, S.
Rajamanoharan, S.
Robinson, T.
Curless, E.
Gokhale, R.
Tariq, A.
Roberts, M.
Williams, O.
Luzzi, G.
FitzGerald, M.
Fairley, I.
Wallis, F.
Smit, E.
Ward, F.
Molina, J.M.
Loze, B.
Morlat, P.
Bonarek, M.
Bonnet, F.
Nouts, C.
Louis, I.
Raffi, F.
Reliquet, V.
Sauser, F.
Biron, C.
Mounoury, O.
Hue, H.
Brosseau, D.
Delfraissy, J.F.
Goujard, C.
Ghosn, J.
Rannou, M.T.
Bergmann, J.F.
Badsi, E.
Rami, A.
Diemer, M.
Parrinello, M.
Girard, P.M.
Samanon-Bollens, D.
Campa, P.
Tourneur, M.
Desplanques, N.
Livrozet, J.M.
Jeanblanc, F.
Chiarello, P.
Makhloufi, D.
Blanc, A.P.
Allègre, T.
Reynes, J.
Baillat, V.
Lemoing, V.
Merle De Boever, C.
Tramoni, C.
Cabié, A.
Sobesky, G.
Abel, S.
Beaujolais, V.
Pialoux, G.
Slama, L.
Chakvetadze, C.
Berrebi, V.
Yeni, P.
Bouvet, E.
Fournier, I.
Gerbe, J.
Trepo, C.
Koffi, K.
Augustin-Normand, C.
Miailhes, P.
Thoirain, V.
Brochier, C.
Thomas, R.
Souala, F.
Ratajczak, M.
Beytoux, J.
Jacomet, C.
Gourdon, F.
Rouveix, E.
Morelon, S.
Dupont, C.
Olivier, C.
Lortholary, O.
Dupont, B.
Viard, J.P.
Maignan, A.
Ragnaud, J.M.
Raymond, I.
Leport, C.
Jadand, C.
Jestin, C.
Longuet, P.
Boucherit, S.
Sereni, D.
Lascoux, C.
Prevoteau, F.
Sobel, A.
Levy, Y.
Lelièvre, J.D.
Lascaux, A.S.
Dominguez, S.
Dumont, C.
Aumâitre, H.
Delmas, B.
Saada, M.
Medus, M.
Guillevin, L.
Salmon, D.
Tahi, T.
Yazdanpanah, Y.
Pavel, S.
Marien, M.C.
Drenou, B.
Beck-Wirth, G.
Beck, C.
Benomar, M.
Katlama, C.
Tubiana, R.
Ait Mohand, H.
Chermak, A.
Ben Abdallah, S.
Bentata, M.
Touam, F.
Hoen, B.
Drobacheff, C.
Folzer, A.
Massip, P.
Obadia, M.
Prudhomme, L.
Bonnet, E.
Balzarin, F.
Pichard, E.
Chennebault, J.M.
Fialaire, P.
Loison, J.
Galanaud, P.
Boué, F.
Bornarel, D.
Verdon, R.
Bazin, C.
Six, M.
Ferret, P.
Weiss, L.
Batisse, D.
Gonzales-Canali, G.
Tisne-Dessus, D.
Devidas, A.
Chevojon, P.
Turpault, I.
Lafeuillade, A.
Cheret, A.
Philip, G.
Morel, P.
Timsit, J.
Herson, S.
Amirat, N.
Simon, A.
Brancion, C.
Cabane, J.
Picard, O.
Tredup, J.
Stein, A.
Ravault, I.
Chavanet, C.
Buisson, M.
Treuvetot, S.
Choutet, P.
Nau, P.
Bastides, F.
May, T.
Boyer, L.
Wassoumbou, S.
Oksenhendeler, E.
Gérard, L.
Bernard, L.
De Truchis, P.
Berthé, H.
Domart, Y.
Merrien, D.
Greder Belan, A.
Gayraud, M.
Bodard, L.
Meudec, A.
Beuscart, C.
Daniel, C.
Pape, E.
Vinceneux, P.
Simonpoli, A.M.
Zeng, A.
Fournier, L.
Fuzibet, J.G.
Sohn, C.
Rosenthal, E.
Quaranta, M.
Dellamonica, P.
Chaillou, S.
Sabah, M.
Audhuy, B.
Schieber, A.
Moreau, P.
Niault, M.
Vaillant, O.
Huchon, G.
Compagnucci, A.
De Lacroix Szmania, I.
Richier, L.
Lamaury, I.
Saint-Dizier, F.
Garipuy, D.
Gastaut, J.A.
Drogoul, M.P.
Poizot Martin, I.
Fabre, G.
Lambert De Cursay, G.
Abraham, B.
Perino, C.
Lagarde, P.
David, F.
Roche-Sicot, J.
Saraux, J.L.
Leprêtre, A.
Fampin, B.
Uludag, A.
Morin, A.S.
Bletry, O.
Zucman, D.
Regnier, A.
Girard, J.J.
Quinsat, D.T.
Heripret, L.
Grihon, F.
Houlbert, D.
Ruel, M.
Chemlal, K.
Caron, F.
Debab, Y.
Tremollieres, F.
Perronne, V.
Lepeu, G.
Slama, B.
Perré, P.
Miodovski, C.
Guermonprez, G.
Dulioust, A.
Boudon, P.
Malbec, D.
Patey, O.
Semaille, C.
Deville, J.
Remy, G.
Béguinot, I.
Galanaud, P.
Boue, F.
Chambrin, V.
Pignon, C.
Estocq, G.A.
Levy, A.
Delfraissy, J.F.
Goujard, C.
Duracinsky, M.
Le Bras, P.
Ngussan, M.S.
Peretti, D.
Medintzeff, N.
Lambert, T.
Segeral, O.
Lezeau, P.
Laurian, Y.
Weiss, L.
Buisson, M.
Piketty, C.
Karmochkine, M.
Batisse, D.
Eliaszewitch, M.
Jayle, D.
Tisne-Dessus, D.
Kazatchkine, M.
Leport, C.
Colasante, U.
Jadand, C.
Jestin, C.
Duval, X.
Nouaouia, W.
Boucherit, S.
Vilde, J.L.
Girard, P.M.
Bollens, D.
Binet, D.
Diallo, B.
Meyohas, M.C.
Fonquernie, L.
Lagneau, J.L.
Salmon, D.
Guillevin, L.
Tahi, T.
Launay, O.
Pietrie, M.P.
Sicard, D.
Stieltjes, N.
Michot, J.
Sobel, A.
Levy, Y.
Bourdillon, F.
Lascaux, A.S.
Lelievre, J.D.
Dumont, C.
Dupont, B.
Obenga, G.
Viard, J.P.
Maignan, A.
Vittecoq, D.
Escaut, L.
Bolliot, C.
Bricaire, F.
Katlama, C.
Schneider, L.
Herson, S.
Simon, A.
Iguertsira, M.
Stein, A.
Tomei, C.
Ravaux, I.
Dhiver, C.
Tissot Dupont, H.
Vallon, A.
Gallais, J.
Gallais, H.
Gastaut, J.A.
Drogoul, M.P.
Fabre, G.
Dellamonica, P.
Durant, J.
Mondain, V.
Perbost, I.
Cassuto, J.P.
Karsenti, J.M.
Venti, H.
Fuzibet, J.G.
Rosenthal, E.
Ceppi, C.
Quaranta, M.
Krivitsky, J.A.
Bentata, M.
Bouchaud, O.
Honore, P.
Sereni, D.
Lascoux, C.
Delgado, J.
Rouzioux, C.
Burgard, M.
Boufassa, L.
Peynet, J.
Pérez-Hoyos, S.
Del Amo, J.
Alvarez, D.
Monge, S.
Muga, R.
Sanvisens, A.
Clotet, B.
Tor, J.
Bolao, F.
Rivas, I.
Vallecillo, G.
Del Romero, J.
Raposo, P.
Rodríguez, C.
Vera, M.
Hurtado, I.
Belda, J.
Fernandez, E.
Alastrue, I.
Santos, C.
Tasa, T.
Juan, A.
Trullen, J.
Garcia De Olalla, P.
Cayla, J.
Masdeu, E.
Knobel, H.
Mirò, J.M.
Sambeat, M.A.
Guerrero, R.
Rivera, E.
Guerrero, R.
Marco, A.
Quintana, M.
Gonzalez, C.
Castilla, J.
Guevara, M.
De Mendoza, C.
Zahonero, N.
Ortíz, M.
Paraskevis, D.
Touloumi, G.
Pantazis, N.
Bakoyannis, G.
Gioukari, V.
Antoniadou, A.
Papadopoulos, A.
Petrikkos, G.
Daikos, G.
Psichogiou, M.
Gargalianos-Kakolyris, P.
Xylomenos, G.
Katsarou, O.
Kouramba, A.
Ioannidou, P.
Kordossis, T.
Kontos, A.
Lazanas, M.
Chini, M.
Tsogas, N.
Panos, G.
Paparizos, V.
Leuow, K.
Kourkounti, S.
Sambatakou, H.
Mariolis, I.
Skoutelis, A.
Papastamopoulos, V.
Baraboutis, I.
The HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration
Ελληνικά Αρχεία AIDS=: Hellenic Archives of AIDS
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
antiretrovirus agent, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; adult; Article; candidiasis; CD4 lymphocyte count; cryptococcosis; Cytomegalovirus retinitis; female; follow up; Herpes simplex virus; highly active antiretroviral therapy; human; immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome; incidence; Kaposi sarcoma; major clinical study; male; nonhodgkin lymphoma; opportunistic infection; outcome assessment; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; tuberculosis; virus infection; adolescent; aged; AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections; developed country; Europe; HIV Infections; middle aged; Neoplasms; procedures; United States; young adult, Adolescent; Adult; Aged; AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections; Anti-Retroviral Agents; Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active; Developed Countries; Europe; Female; HIV Infections; Humans; Incidence; Male; Middle Aged; Neoplasms; United States; Young Adult
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