To investigate the effects of television (TV) viewing on children, 4876
questionnaires on viewing habits completed by Creek children with the
assistance of their parents were analysed. The most important results
are summarized below. The mean time spent watching TV ranged from 21-32
h per week. The age when children started watching TV correlated with
their later educational achievement: good students started watching TV
earlier. Bad students, however, watched more TV, as did children from
urban areas, and from lower socioeconomic groups. Children from
households with more than one TV (especially if it was in the child’s
bedroom) also watched more. Children who watched more strictions and
more likely to imitate TV characters. Eating while watching TV was
associated with obesity only in teenagers. Most children watched TV from
appropriate distances, with the lights on, and with the sound at medium
volume. Conclusion This study of TV viewing habits in Greek children
shows that certain patterns of watching TV may contribute to poor
educational achievement, and obesity, in paediatric patients and,
therefore, supports the idea of taking ‘’televiewing histories” when
treating these patients.
AnastasseaVlachou, K
FryssiraKanioura, H
PapathanasiouKlontza, D
and XipolitaZachariadi, A
Matsaniotis, N