Search for stable heavy charged particles in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s=130-136, 161 and 172 GeV

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3049154 76 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Search for stable heavy charged particles in e(+)e(-) collisions at root
s=130-136, 161 and 172 GeV
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
A search for stable or long-lived heavy charged particles in e(+)e(-)
interactions at energies of 130-136, 161 and 172 CeV has been performed
using the data taken by the DELPHI experiment at LEP. The search is
based on particle identification provided by the Time Projection Chamber
and the Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector. Upper limits at 95% confidence
level are derived on the cross-section for heavy long-lived
pair-produced charge +/-e and +/-2/3e particles in the range of 0.4-2.3
pb for masses from 45 to 84 GeV/c(2). Within supersymmetric extensions
of the Standard Model, long-lived charginos with masses from 45 to 84
(80) GeV/c(2) for high (low) sneutrino masses can be excluded at 95%
confidence level. Left-handed (right-handed) long-lived or stable smuons
and staus with masses between 45 and 68 (65) GeV/c(2) can be excluded at
95% confidence level. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Ajinenko, I
Alekseev, GD and
Alemany, R
Allport, PP
Almehed, S
Amaldi, U
Amato, S and
Andreazza, A
Andrieux, ML
Antilogus, P
Apel, WD
Asman, B
and Augustin, JE
Augustinus, A
Baillon, P
Bambade, P and
Barao, F
Barbi, M
Barbiellini, G
Bardin, DY
Barker, G
and Baroncelli, A
Barring, O
Barrio, JA
Bartl, W
Battaglia, M
Baubillier, M
Baudot, J
Becks, KH and
Begalli, M
Beilliere, P
Belokopytov, Y
Belous, K and
Benvenuti, AC
Berggren, M
Bertini, D
Bertrand, D and
Besancon, M
Bianchi, F
Bigi, M
Bilenky, MS
Billoir, P
and Bizouard, MA
Bloch, D
Blume, M
Bolognese, T and
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, PSL
Borisov, G
Bosio, C
and Botner, O
Boudinov, E
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C and
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzo, M
Branchini, P
Brand, KD
Brenke, T
and Brenner, RA
Bricman, C
Brown, RCA
Bruckman, P and
Brunet, JM
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burgsmueller, T
Cabrera, S
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Rozas, AJC and
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Canepa, M
Cankocak, K
Cao, F and
Carena, F
Carroll, L
Caso, C
Gimenez, MVC
Cattai, A and
Cavallo, FR
Chabaud, V
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L and
Checchia, P
Chelkov, GA
Chen, M
Chierici, R
Chochula, P
Chorowicz, V
Cindro, V
Collins, P and
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Cossutti, F
Cowell, JH and
Crawley, HB
Crennell, D
Crosetti, G
Maestro, JC
DahlJensen, E
Dahm, J
Dalmagne, B
Dam, M
Dauncey, PD
Davenport, M
DaSilva, W
Defoix, C and
Deghorain, A
DellaRicca, G
Delpierre, P
Demaria, N and
DeAngelis, A
DeBoer, W
DeBrabandere, S
DeClerq, C and
DeLaVaissiere, C
DeLotto, B
DeMin, A
DePaula, L and
DeSaintJean, C
Dijkstra, H
DiCiaccio, L
DiDiodato, A and
Djama, F
Djannati, A
Dolbeau, J
Doroba, K
Dracos, M and
Drees, J
Drees, KA
Dris, M
Durand, JD
Edsall, D and
Ehret, R
Eigen, G
Ekelof, T
Ekspong, G
Elsing, M and
Engel, JP
Erzen, B
Santo, ME
Falk, E
Fassouliotis, D and
Feindt, M
Fenyuk, A
Ferrer, A
Fichet, S
Filippas, TA and
Firestone, A
Fischer, PA
Foeth, H
Fokitis, E
Formenti, F
Franek, B
Frenkiel, P
Fries, DC and
Frodesen, AG
Fruhwirth, R
FuldaQuenzer, F
Fuster, J and
Galloni, A
Gamba, D
Gandelman, M
Garcia, C
Garcia, J and
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, EN
Gele, D and
Gerber, JP
Gerdyukov, L
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Gopal, G and
Gorn, L
Gorski, M
Gouz, Y
Gracco, V
Graziani, E and
Green, C
Grefrath, A
Gris, P
Grosdidier, G
Grzelak, K
and Gumenyuk, S
Gunnarsson, P
Gunther, M
Guy, J
Hahn, F
and Hahn, S
Hajduk, Z
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Harris, FJ
and Hedberg, V
Henriques, R
Hernandez, JJ
Herquet, P and
Herr, H
Hessing, TL
Heuser, JM
Higon, E
Hilke, HJ and
Hill, TS
Holmgren, SO
Holt, PJ
Holthuizen, D
Houlden, M
Hrubec, J
Huet, K
Hultqvist, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, P
Janik, R
Jarlskog, C and
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
JeanMarie, B
Johansson, EK
Jonsson, P
Joram, C
Juillot, P
Kaiser, M
Karafasoulis, K
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S
and Katsoufis, EC
Keranen, R
Khokhlov, Y
Khomenko, BA and
Khovanski, NN
King, B
Kjaer, NJ
Klapp, O
Klein, H and
Klovning, A
Kluit, P
Kokkinias, P
Konopliannikov, A and
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Kostioukhine, V
Kourkoumelis, C and
Kouznetsov, O
Krammer, M
Kreuter, C
Kronkvist, I and
Krumstein, Z
Krupinski, W
Kubinec, P
Kucewicz, W and
Kurvinen, K
Lacasta, C
Laktineh, I
Lamsa, JW
Lanceri, L
and Lane, DW
Langefeld, P
Laugier, JP
Lauhakangas, R and
Leder, G
Ledroit, F
Lefebure, V
Legan, CK
Leitner, R and
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, G
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Libby, J and
Liko, D
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
Lippi, I
Loerstad, B and
Loken, JG
Lopez, JM
Loukas, D
Lutz, P
Lyons, L and
MacNaughton, J
Maehlum, G
Mahon, JR
Malmgren, TGM and
Malychev, V
Mandl, F
Marco, J
Marco, R
Marechal, B and
Margoni, M
Marin, JC
Mariotti, C
Markou, A and
MartinezRivero, C
Martinezvidal, F
Garcia, SMI
Matorras, F
and Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, G
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M and
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Medbo, J
Merk, M
Meroni, C and
Meyer, S
Meyer, WT
Michelotto, M
Migliore, E
Mirabito, L
and Mitaroff, WA
Mjoernmark, U
Moa, T
Moeller, R
Monge, MR
Morettini, P
Mueller, H
Muenich, K and
Mulders, M
Mundim, LM
Murray, WJ
Muryn, B
Myatt, G and
Naraghi, F
Navarria, FL
Navas, S
Nawrocki, K
Negri, P
and Nemecek, S
Neumann, W
Neumeister, N
Nicolaidou, R and
Nielsen, BS
Nieuwenhuizen, M
Nikolaenko, V
Niss, P and
Nomerotski, A
Normand, A
Novak, M
OberschulteBeckmann, W and
Obraztsov, V
Olshevski, AG
Onofre, A
Orava, R
Ouraou, A
Paganini, P
Paganoni, M
Pages, P
Pain, R
and Palka, H
Papadopoulou, TD
Papageorgiou, K
Pape, L and
Parkes, C
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Peralta, L
and Pernicka, M
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A and
Phillips, HT
Piana, G
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Podobnik, T
and Podobrin, O
Pol, ME
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Privitera, P
Pukhaeva, N
Pullia, A
Radojicic, D and
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Rames, J
Ratoff, PN
Read, AL and
Reale, M
Rebecchi, P
Redaelli, NG
Regler, M
Reid, D and
Reinhardt, R
Renton, PB
Resvanis, LK
Richard, F and
Richardson, J
Ridky, J
Rinaudo, G
Ripp, I
Romero, A and
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Roos, L
Rosenberg, EI and
Roudeau, O
Rovelli, T
RuhlmannKleider, V
Ruiz, A and
Rybicki, K
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Y
Sadovsky, A
Sahr, O
and Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sanchez, J
Sannino, M and
Schimmelpfennig, M
Schneider, H
Schwickerath, U
Schyns, MAE
and Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Seager, P
Sedykh, Y
Segar, AM
and Seitz, A
Sekulin, R
Serbelloni, L
Shellard, RC and
Siegrist, P
Silvestre, R
Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F and
Sisakian, AN
Sitar, B
Skaali, RB
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
and Smirnova, O
Smith, GR
Solovianov, O
Sosnowski, R and
SouzaSantos, D
Spassov, T
Spiriti, E
Sponholz, P and
Squarcia, S
Stampfer, D
Stanescu, C
Stanic, S
Stapnes, S
and Stavitski, I
Stevenson, K
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J and
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Tavernet, JP
Tcherniaev, E
Thomas, J
Tilquin, A and
Timmermans, J
Tkatchev, LG
Todorov, T
Todorova, S
Tomaradze, A
Tome, B
Tonazzo, A
Tortora, L and
Transtromer, G
Treille, D
Tristram, G
Trombini, A and
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A
Turluer, ML
Tyapkin, IA
Tyndel, M
and Tzamarias, S
Ueberschaer, B
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V and
Valenti, G
Vallazza, E
VanderVelde, C
VanApeldoorn, GW and
VanDam, P
VanDoninck, WK
VanEldik, J
VanLysebetten, A and
Vassilopoulos, N
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Venus, W
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, LS
Vilanova, D
Vincent, P and
Vitale, L
Vodopyanov, AS
Vrba, V
Wahlen, H
Walck, C and
Weierstall, M
Weilhammer, P
Weiser, C
Wetherell, AM and
Wicke, D
Wickens, JH
Wielers, M
Wilkinson, GR
Winter, M
Witek, M
Wlodek, T
Woschnagg, K
Yip, K
and Yushchenko, O
Zach, F
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska, A and
Zalewski, P
Zavrtanik, D
Zevgolatakos, E
Zimin, NI
Zontar, D
Zucchelli, GC
Zumerle, G
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