Rapidity correlations in Lambda baryon and proton production in hadronic Z(0) decays

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3050041 34 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Rapidity correlations in Lambda baryon and proton production in hadronic
Z(0) decays
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
In an analysis of multihadronic events recorded at LEP by DELPHI in the
years 1992 through 1994, rapidity correlations of Lambda-Lambda,
proton-proton, and Lambda-proton pairs are compared with each other and
with the predictions of the string fragmentation model. For Lambda (p)
over bar pairs, the additional correlation with respect to charged kaons
is also analysed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Ajinenko, I
Alekseev, GD and
Alemany, R
Allport, PP
Almehed, S
Amaldi, U
Amato, S and
Andreazza, A
Andrieux, ML
Antilogus, P
Apel, WD
Asman, B
and Augustin, JE
Augustinus, A
Baillon, P
Bambade, P and
Barao, F
Barbi, M
Bardin, DY
Barker, G
Baroncelli, A and
Barring, O
Bates, MJ
Battaglia, M
Begalli, M
Baubillier, M
Baudot, J
Becks, KH
Belokopytov, Y and
Belous, K
Benvenuti, AC
Berggren, M
Bertini, D
Besancon, M
Bianchi, F
Bigi, M
Bilenky, MS and
Billoir, P
Bizouard, MA
Bloch, D
Blume, M
Bonesini, M
and Bonivento, W
Booth, PSL
Borgland, AW
Borisov, G and
Bosio, C
Botner, O
Boudinov, E
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C
and Bowcock, TJV
Bozovic, I
Bozzo, M
Branchini, P
Brenke, T
Brenner, RA
Bricman, C
Brown, RCA and
Bruckman, P
Brunet, JM
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burgsmueller, T
and Buschmann, P
Cabrera, S
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Canepa, M
Cankocak, K and
Cao, F
Carena, F
Carroll, L
Caso, C
Gimenez, MVC and
Cattai, A
Cavallo, FR
Chabaud, V
Charpentier, P and
Chaussard, L
Checchia, P
Chelkov, GA
Chen, M
Chierici, R
and Chliapnikov, P
Chochula, P
Chorowicz, V
Chudoba, J and
Cindro, V
Collins, P
Contri, R
Cortina, E
Cosme, G and
Cossutti, F
Cowell, JH
Crawley, HB
Crennell, D
Maestro, JC
Czellar, S
Dahm, J
Dalmagne, B
Dam, M
and Damgaard, G
Dauncey, PD
Davenport, M
Da Silva, W and
Deghorain, A
Della Ricca, G
Delpierre, P
Demaria, N
Angelis, A
De Boer, W
De Brabandere, S
De Clercq, C
la Vaissiere, C
De Lotto, B
De Min, A
De Paula, L and
Dijkstra, H
Di Ciaccio, L
Di Diodato, A
Djannati, A and
Dolbeau, J
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
Drees, KA and
Dris, M
Durand, JD
Edsall, D
Ehret, R
Eigen, G and
Ekelof, T
Ekspong, G
Elsing, M
Engel, JP
Erzen, B and
Santo, ME
Falk, E
Fanourakis, G
Fassouliotis, D
Ferrari, P
Ferrer, A
Fichet, S
Filippas, TA and
Firestone, A
Fischer, PA
Foeth, H
Fokitis, E
Formenti, F
Franek, B
Frodesen, AG
Fruhwirth, R and
Fulda-Quenzer, F
Fuster, J
Galloni, A
Gamba, D and
Gandelman, M
Garcia, C
Garcia, J
Gaspar, C
Gasparini, U
and Gavillet, P
Gazis, EN
Gele, D
Gerber, JP
Gokieli, R
Golob, B
Goncalves, P
Gopal, G
Gorn, L
and Gorski, M
Gouz, Y
Gracco, V
Graziani, E
Green, C and
Grefrath, A
Gris, P
Grosdidier, G
Grzelak, K
Gumenyuk, S
and Gunnarsson, P
Gunther, M
Guy, J
Hahn, F
Hahn, S and
Hajduk, Z
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Harris, FJ
Hedberg, V
and Henriques, R
Hernandez, JJ
Herquet, P
Herr, H and
Hessing, TL
Heuser, JM
Higon, E
Hilke, HJ
Holmgren, SO
and Holt, PJ
Holthuizen, D
Hoorelbeke, S
Houlden, M and
Hrubec, J
Huet, K
Hultqvist, K
Jackson, JN
Jacobsson, R
and Jalocha, P
Janik, R
Jarlskog, C
Jarlskog, G
Jarry, P
and Jean-Marie, B
Johansson, EK
Jonsson, L
Jonsson, P and
Joram, C
Juillot, P
Kaiser, M
Kapusta, F
Karafasoulis, K
and Karlsson, M
Katsanevas, S
Katsoufis, EC
Keranen, R and
Khokhlov, Y
Khomenko, BA
Khovanski, NN
King, B
Kjaer, NJ
and Klapp, O
Klein, H
Kluit, P
Knoblauch, D
Koene, B and
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Korcyl, K
Kostioukhine, V and
Kourkoumelis, C
Kouznetsov, O
Krammer, M
Kreuter, C and
Kronkvist, I
Krumstein, Z
Krupinski, W
Kubinec, P and
Kucewicz, W
Kurvinen, K
Lacasta, C
Laktineh, I
Lamsa, JW
and Lanceri, L
Lane, DW
Langefeld, P
Lapin, V
Lauhakangas, R
Ledroit, F
Lefebure, V
Legan, CK and
Leisos, A
Leitner, R
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, G
Lepeltier, V
and Lesiak, T
Libby, J
Liko, D
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
and Lippi, I
Loerstad, B
Loken, JG
Lopez, JM
Loukas, D
and Lutz, P
Lyons, L
MacNaughton, J
Maehlum, G
Mahon, JR
and Maio, A
Malmgren, TGM
Malychev, V
Mandl, F
Marco, J
and Marco, R
Marechal, B
Margoni, M
Marin, JC
Markou, A
Martinez-Rivero, C
Martinez-Vidal, F
Masik, J
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C
Matthiae, G and
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M
McKay, R
McNulty, R
Medbo, J
and Merk, M
Meroni, C
Meyer, S
Meyer, WT
Miagkov, A and
Michelotto, M
Migliore, E
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, WA and
Mjoernmark, U
Moa, T
Moeller, R
Moenig, K
Monge, MR and
Morettini, P
Mueller, H
Muenich, K
Mulders, M
Mundim, LM
and Murray, WJ
Muryn, B
Myatt, G
Naraghi, F
Navarria, FL
and Navas, S
Nawrocki, K
Negri, P
Nemecek, S
Neumann, W
and Neumeister, N
Nicolaidou, R
Nielsen, BS
Nieuwenhuizen, M
and Nikolaenko, V
Nikolenko, M
Niss, P
Nomerotski, A and
Normand, A
Oberschulte-Beckmann, W
Obraztsov, V
Onofre, A
Orava, R
Orazi, G
Osterberg, K
Paganini, P
Paganoni, M
Pages, P
Pain, R
Palka, H
and Papadopoulou, TD
Papageorgiou, K
Pape, L
Parkes, C and
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Peralta, L
Pernegger, H
and Pernicka, M
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A and
Phillips, HT
Piana, G
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
Podobnik, T
and Podobrin, O
Pol, ME
Polok, G
Poropat, P
Privitera, P
Pukhaeva, N
Pullia, A
Radojicic, D and
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Ratoff, PN
Read, AL
Reale, M and
Rebecchi, P
Redaelli, NG
Regler, M
Reid, D
Reinhardt, R
and Renton, PB
Resvanis, LK
Richard, F
Richardson, J and
Ridky, J
Rinaudo, G
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
and Roos, L
Rosenberg, EI
Roudeau, P
Rovelli, T and
Ruckstuhl, W
Ruhlmann-Kleider, V
Ruiz, A
Rybicki, K and
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Y
Sadovsky, A
Sahr, O
Sajot, G and
Salt, J
Sannino, M
Schneider, H
Schwickerath, U
Sciolla, G
Scuri, F
Seager, P
Sedykh, Y
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R
Serbelloni, L
Shellard, RC and
Siegrist, P
Silvestre, R
Simonetto, F
Sisakian, AN and
Sitar, B
Skaali, TB
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smirnova, O and
Smith, GR
Sosnowski, R
Souza-Santos, D
Spiriti, E and
Sponholz, P
Squarcia, S
Stampfer, D
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, S
Stavitski, I
Stevenson, K
Stocchi, A and
Strauss, J
Strub, R
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
and Tabarelli, T
Tavernet, JP
Tcherniaev, E
Tegenfeldt, F
and Terranova, F
Thomas, J
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J and
Tkatchev, LG
Todorov, T
Todorova, S
Toet, DZ
Tome, B
Tonazzo, A
Tortora, L
Transtromer, G and
Treille, D
Tristram, G
Trombini, A
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A
and Turluer, ML
Tyapkin, IA
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S and
Ueberschaer, B
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G and
Vallazza, E
Van Apeldoorn, GW
Van Dam, P
Van Eldik, J and
Van Lysebetten, A
Vassilopoulos, N
Vegni, G
Ventura, L and
Venus, W
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, LS and
Vilanova, D
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vrba, V
Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Waldner, F
Weiser, C
Wetherell, AM
Wicke, D
Wickens, JH and
Wielers, M
Wilkinson, GR
Williams, WSC
Winter, M
Wlodek, T
Yi, J
Yip, K
Yushchenko, O
Zach, F and
Zaitsev, A
Zalewska, A
Zalewski, P
Zavrtanik, D and
Zevgolatakos, E
Zimin, NI
Zontar, D
Zucchelli, GC and
Zumerle, G
DELPHI Collaborat
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