We present a phenomenological model for the formation and decay of a
cosmic ray Centauro fireball in the baryon-rich projectile fragmentation
rapidity region in nucleus-nucleus interactions. Our model naturally
incorporates the possibility of Strangelet formation, Strangelets being
conjectured to be the “strongly penetrating component” observed in
hadron-rich cosmic ray events. Based on this model we have performed
Monte-Carlo simulations to study the Centauro and Strangelet dynamic and
kinematic characteristics in central Pb+Pb collisions at LHC energies,
as well as their identification by the detector system CASTOR. CASTOR is
being developed for the ALICE heavy ion experiment at the LHC and will
probe the very forward pseudorapidity region 5.6 less than or equal to
eta less than or equal to 7.2, characterized by very high baryon
density. CASTOR is optimised to search for Centauro signatures and long
penetrating objects. Simulations show that CASTOR is well able to
distinguish events with abnormal values of E(em)/E(had) or
N(gamma)/N(ch). In addition simulations of the transition curves of
Strangelets traversing the CASTOR calorimeter show long penetration and
many-maxima structure such as observed in cosmic ray events.
Angelis, ALS
Bartke, J
Bogolyubsky, MY
Filippov, SN and
Gladysz-Dziadus, E
Kharlov, YV
Kurepin, AB
Maevskaya, AI and
Mavromanolakis, G
Panagiotou, AD
Sadovsky, SA
Stefanski, P
and Wlodarczyk, Z