Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3056830 77 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, but the nature of the suggestive comorbidity is still unknown. We used a novel genetic pleiotropy-informed conditional False Discovery Rate (FDR) method to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with BMD by leveraging cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated disorders and metabolic traits. By conditioning on SNPs associated with the CVD-related phenotypes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, triglycerides and waist hip ratio, we identified 65 novel independent BMD loci (26 with femoral neck BMD and 47 with lumbar spine BMD) at conditional FDR < 0.01. Many of the loci were confirmed in genetic expression studies. Genes validated at the mRNA levels were characteristic for the osteoblast/osteocyte lineage, Wnt signaling pathway and bone metabolism. The results provide new insight into genetic mechanisms of variability in BMD, and a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of clinical comorbidity. © 2015 Reppe et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Reppe, S.
Wang, Y.
Thompson, W.K.
McEvoy, L.K.
Schork, A.J.
Zuber, V.
LeBlanc, M.
Bettella, F.
Mills, I.G.
Desikan, R.S.
Djurovic, S.
Gautvik, K.M.
Dale, A.M.
Andreassen, O.A.
Estrada, K.
Styrkarsdottir, U.
Evangelou, E.
Hsu, Y.-H.
Duncan, E.L.
Ntzani, E.E.
Oei, L.
Albagha, O.M.E.
Amin, N.
Kemp, J.P.
Koller, D.L.
Li, G.
Liu, C.-T.
Minster, R.L.
Moayyeri, A.
Vandenput, L.
Willner, D.
Xiao, S.-M.
Yerges-Armstrong, L.M.
Zheng, H.-F.
Alonso, N.
Eriksson, J.
Kammerer, C.M.
Kaptoge, S.K.
Leo, P.J.
Thorleifsson, G.
Wilson, S.G.
Wilson, J.F.
Aalto, V.
Alen, M.
Aragaki, A.K.
Aspelund, T.
Center, J.R.
Dailiana, Z.
Duggan, D.J.
Garcia, M.
Garcia-Giralt, N.
Giroux, S.
Hallmans, G.
Hocking, L.J.
Husted, L.B.
Jameson, K.A.
Khusainova, R.
Kim, G.S.
Kooperberg, C.
Koromila, T.
Kruk, M.
Laaksonen, M.
Lacroix, A.Z.
Lee, S.H.
Leung, P.C.
Lewis, J.R.
Masi, L.
Mencej-Bedrac, S.
Nguyen, T.V.
Nogues, X.
Patel, M.S.
Prezelj, J.
Rose, L.M.
Scollen, S.
Siggeirsdottir, K.
Smith, A.V.
Svensson, O.
Trompet, S.
Trummer, O.
Van Schoor, N.M.
Woo, J.
Zhu, K.
Balcells, S.
Brandi, M.L.
Buckley, B.M.
Cheng, S.
Christiansen, C.
Cooper, C.
Dedoussis, G.
Ford, I.
Frost, M.
Goltzman, D.
González-Macías, J.
Kähönen, M.
Karlsson, M.
Khusnutdinova, E.
Koh, J.-M.
Kollia, P.
Langdahl, B.L.
Leslie, W.D.
Lips, P.
Ljunggren, Ö.
Lorenc, R.S.
Marc, J.
Mellström, D.
Obermayer-Pietsch, B.
Olmos, J.M.
Pettersson-Kymmer, U.
Reid, D.M.
Riancho, J.A.
Ridker, P.M.
Rousseau, F.
Slagboom, P.E.
Tang, N.L.S.
Urreizti, R.
Van Hul, W.
Viikari, J.
Zarrabeitia, M.T.
Aulchenko, Y.S.
Castano-Betancourt, M.
Grundberg, E.
Herrera, L.
Ingvarsson, T.
Johannsdottir, H.
Kwan, T.
Li, R.
Luben, R.
Medina-Gómez, C.
Palsson, S.Th.
Rotter, J.I.
Sigurdsson, G.
Van Meurs, J.B.J.
Verlaan, D.
Williams, F.M.K.
Wood, A.R.
Zhou, Y.
Pastinen, T.
Raychaudhuri, S.
Cauley, J.A.
Chasman, D.I.
Clark, G.R.
Cummings, S.R.
Danoy, P.
Dennison, E.M.
Eastell, R.
Eisman, J.A.
Gudnason, V.
Hofman, A.
Jackson, R.D.
Jones, G.
Jukema, J.W.
Khaw, K.-T.
Lehtimäki, T.
Liu, Y.
Lorentzon, M.
McCloskey, E.
Mitchell, B.D.
Nandakumar, K.
Nicholson, G.C.
Oostra, B.A.
Peacock, M.
Pols, H.A.P.
Prince, R.L.
Raitakari, O.
Reid, I.R.
Robbins, J.
Sambrook, P.N.
Sham, P.C.
Shuldiner, A.R.
Tylavsky, F.A.
Van Duijn, C.M.
Wareham, N.J.
Cupples, L.A.
Econs, M.J.
Evans, D.M.
Harris, T.B.
Kung, A.W.C.
Psaty, B.M.
Reeve, J.
Spector, T.D.
Streeten, E.A.
Zillikens, M.C.
Thorsteinsdottir, U.
Ohlsson, C.
Karasik, D.
Richards, J.B.
Brown, M.A.
Stefansson, K.
Uitterlinden, A.G.
Ralston, S.H.
Ioannidis, J.P.A.
Kiel, D.P.
Rivadeneira, F.
GEFOS Consortium
Public Library of Science
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
high density lipoprotein; low density lipoprotein; triacylglycerol, Article; bone density; bone metabolism; cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular risk; cell lineage; comorbidity; diabetes mellitus; diastolic blood pressure; gene expression; gene locus; genetic association; genetic risk; genetic variability; human; insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; osteoblast; osteocyte; pleiotropy; risk assessment; signal transduction; single nucleotide polymorphism; systolic blood pressure; waist hip ratio; biological model; cardiovascular disease; gene locus; gene regulatory network; genetic predisposition; genetics; genome-wide association study; single nucleotide polymorphism, Bone Density; Cardiovascular Diseases; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2; Gene Regulatory Networks; Genetic Loci; Genetic Pleiotropy; Genetic Predisposition to Disease; Genome-Wide Association Study; Humans; Models, Genetic; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide; Waist-Hip Ratio
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