The asymbiotic seed germination of orchids is a complex process with considerable technical difficulties, due to the natural requirement of a plant-fungus symbiotic relationship under field conditions. Only on rare occasions, orchid seeds are known to readily germinate in water. Neotinea maculata is a relatively common orchid species with its main distribution around the Mediterranean Sea. Germination of N. maculata seeds was tested in both nutrient media and water agar, in asymbiotic culture. Full germination was achieved both in nutrient media (96.1%) and water agar (84.0%) in darkness at 20°C. In this study, apart from presenting the protocols of germination for N. maculata in asymbiotic culture, we also furnish data for the other members of the genus Neotinea. © 2020 Foundation Pro Herbario Mediterraneo. All rights reserved.
Oikonomidis, S.
Koutsovoulou, K.
Thanos, C.A.