Noninvasive imaging and radiovirotherapy of prostate cancer using an oncolytic measles virus expressing the sodium iodide symporter
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
Prostate cancer cells overexpress the measles virus (MV) receptor CD46. Herein, we evaluated the antitumor activity of an oncolytic derivative of the MV Edmonston (MV-Edm) vaccine strain engineered to express the human sodium iodide symporter (NIS; MV-NIS virus). MV-NIS showed significant cytopathic effect (CPE) against prostate cancer cell lines in vitro. Infected cells effectively concentrated radioiodide isotopes as measured in vitro by Iodide-125 ( 125I) uptake assays. Virus localization and spread in vivo could be effectively followed by imaging of 123 I uptake. In vivo administration of MV-NIS either locally or systemically (total dose of 9 × 106 TCID50) resulted in significant tumor regression (P<0.05) and prolongation of survival (P<0.01). Administration of 131 I further enhanced the antitumor effect of MV-NIS virotherapy (P 0.05). In conclusion, MV-NIS is an oncolytic vector with significant antitumor activity against prostate cancer, which can be further enhanced by 131 I administration. The NIS transgene allows viral localization and monitoring by noninvasive imaging which can facilitate dose optimization in a clinical setting. © The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy.
Msaouel, P.
Iankov, I.D.
Allen, C.
Aderca, I.
Federspiel, M.J.
Tindall, D.J.
Morris, J.C.
Koutsilieris, M.
Russell, S.J.
Galanis, E.
Molecular Therapy
Nature Publishing Group
iodine 131; oncolytic measles virus; oncolytic virus; sodium iodide symporter; unclassified drug, animal cell; animal experiment; animal model; animal tissue; antineoplastic activity; article; cancer cell culture; cancer radiotherapy; cancer survival; controlled study; cytopathogenic effect; drug efficacy; drug potency; drug potentiation; human; human cell; in vitro study; in vivo study; low drug dose; male; mouse; non invasive procedure; nonhuman; oncolytic virotherapy; prostate cancer; radioisotope therapy; single drug dose; systemic therapy; transgene; tumor regression, Measles virus