Seismic Waveform Data from Greece and Cyprus: Integration, Archival, and Open Access

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3068555 39 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Seismic Waveform Data from Greece and Cyprus: Integration, Archival, and Open Access
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The National Observatory of Athens data center for the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA@NOA) is the national and regional node that supports International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks and related webservices for seismic waveform datacoming from the southeastern Mediterranean and the Balkans. At present, it serves data from eight permanent broadband and strong-motion networks from Greece and Cyprus, individual stations from the Balkans, temporary networks and aftershock deployments, and earthquake engineering experimental facilities. EIDA@NOA provides open and unlimited access from redundant node end points, intendedmainly for research purposes (see Data and Resources). Analysis and quality control of thecomplete seismic data archive is performed initially by calculating waveform metrics and data availability. Seismic ambient noise metrics are estimated based on power spectral densities, and an assessment of each station s statistical mode is achieved within each network and across networks. Moreover, the minimum ambient noise level expected for strong-motion installations is defined. Sensor orientation is estimated using surface-wave polarization methods to detect stations with misalignment on particular epochs. A single data center that hosts thecomplete seismic data archives with their respective metadata from networks covering similar geographical areas allows coordination between network operators and facilitates the adhesion to widely used best practices regarding station installation, data curation, and metadata definition. The overall achievement is harmonization among all contributing networks and a wider usage of all data archives, ultimately strengthening seismological research efforts in the region. © 2021 Seismological Society of America. All rights reserved.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Evangelidis, C.P.
Triantafyllis, N.
Samios, M.
Boukouras, K.
Kontakos, K.
Ktenidou, O.J.
Fountoulakis, I.
Kalogeras, I.
Melis, N.S.
Galanis, O.
Papazachos, C.B.
Hatzidimitriou, P.
Scordilis, E.
Sokos, E.
Paraskevopoulos, P.
Serpetsidaki, A.
Kaviris, G.
Kapetanidis, V.
Papadimitriou, P.
Voulgaris, N.
Kassaras, I.
Chatzopoulos, G.
Makris, I.
Vallianatos, F.
Kostantinidou, K.
Papaioannou, C.
Theodoulidis, N.
Margaris, B.
Pilidou, S.
Dimitriadis, I.
Iosif, P.
Manakou, M.
Roumelioti, Z.
Pitilakis, K.
Riga, E.
Drakatos, G.
Kiratzi, A.
Tselentis, G.-A.
Seismological Society of America
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
Acoustic noise; Earthquake engineering; Geophysical prospecting; Metadata; Open Data; Quality control; Seismic response; Seismic waves; Seismographs; Spectral density; Surface waves, Data availability; Experimental facilities; International federation; Seismic waveforms; Seismograph networks; Sensor orientation; Temporary networks; Wave polarizations, Data curation, aftershock; ambient noise; earthquake; seismic data; seismic noise; seismic wave; seismology; strong motion; waveform analysis, Balkans; Cyprus; Greece
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