Fusion cross sections were measured for 8B + 28Si at near-barrier energies by detecting the alpha particles produced in the evaporation process. The results present a small suppression with respect to one-barrier penetration model predictions, which could be attributed to incomplete fusion processes and do not differ appreciably from fusion cross sections obtained with weakly bound but stable projectiles on the same target. Comprehensive comparisons of fusion cross sections at sub- and near-barrier energies with various light weakly bound projectiles support a simple tunneling probability with slight modifications due to coupled-channel effects. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Pakou, A.
Stiliaris, E.
Pierroutsakou, D.
Alamanos, N.
Boiano, A.
Boiano, C.
Filipescu, D.
Glodariu, T.
Grebosz, J.
Guglielmetti, A.
La Commara, M.
Mazzocco, M.
Parascandolo, C.
Rusek, K.
Sánchez-Benítez, A.M.
Signorini, C.
Sgouros, O.
Soramel, F.
Soukeras, V.
Strano, E.
Stroe, L.
Toniolo, N.
Torresi, D.
Zerva, K.