Search for muon-Neutrino to electron-Neutrino transitions in MINOS

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3074105 74 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Search for muon-Neutrino to electron-Neutrino transitions in MINOS
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
This Letter reports on a search for νμ→νe transitions by the MINOS experiment based on a 3.14×1020 protons-on-target exposure in the Fermilab NuMI beam. We observe 35 events in the Far Detector with a background of 27±5(stat)±2(syst) events predicted by the measurements in the Near Detector. If interpreted in terms of νμ→νe oscillations, this 1.5σ excess of events is consistent with sin 2(2θ13) comparable to the CHOOZ limit when |Δm2|=2.43×10-3eV2 and sin 2(2θ23)=1.0 are assumed. © 2009 The American Physical Society.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Adamson, P.
Andreopoulos, C.
Arms, K.E.
Armstrong, R.
Auty, D.J.
Ayres, D.S.
Backhouse, C.
Barnes, P.D.
Barr, G.
Barrett, W.L.
Becker, B.R.
Belias, A.
Bernstein, R.H.
Betancourt, M.
Bhattacharya, D.
Bishai, M.
Blake, A.
Bock, G.J.
Boehm, J.
Boehnlein, D.J.
Bogert, D.
Bower, C.
Cavanaugh, S.
Chapman, J.D.
Cherdack, D.
Childress, S.
Choudhary, B.C.
Cobb, J.H.
Coelho, J.A.B.
Coleman, S.J.
Cronin-Hennessy, D.
Culling, A.J.
Danko, I.Z.
De Jong, J.K.
Devenish, N.E.
Diwan, M.V.
Dorman, M.
Erwin, A.R.
Escobar, C.O.
Evans, J.J.
Falk, E.
Feldman, G.J.
Frohne, M.V.
Gallagher, H.R.
Godley, A.
Goodman, M.C.
Gouffon, P.
Gran, R.
Grashorn, E.W.
Grzelak, K.
Habig, A.
Harris, D.
Harris, P.G.
Hartnell, J.
Hatcher, R.
Heller, K.
Himmel, A.
Holin, A.
Howcroft, C.
Huang, X.
Hylen, J.
Irwin, G.M.
Isvan, Z.
Jaffe, D.E.
James, C.
Jensen, D.
Kafka, T.
Kasahara, S.M.S.
Koizumi, G.
Kopp, S.
Kordosky, M.
Koskinen, D.J.
Krahn, Z.
Kreymer, A.
Lang, K.
Ling, J.
Litchfield, P.J.
Litchfield, R.P.
Loiacono, L.
Lucas, P.
Ma, J.
Mann, W.A.
Marshak, M.L.
Marshall, J.S.
Mayer, N.
McGowan, A.M.
Mehdiyev, R.
Meier, J.R.
Messier, M.D.
Metelko, C.J.
Michael, D.G.
Miller, W.H.
Mishra, S.R.
Mitchell, J.
Moore, C.D.
Morfín, J.
Mualem, L.
Mufson, S.
Musser, J.
Naples, D.
Nelson, J.K.
Newman, H.B.
Nichol, R.J.
Nicholls, T.C.
Ochoa-Ricoux, J.P.
Oliver, W.P.
Ospanov, R.
Paley, J.
Para, A.
Patterson, R.B.
Patzak, T.
Pavlović, Ž.
Pawloski, G.
Pearce, G.F.
Petyt, D.A.
Pittam, R.
Plunkett, R.K.
Rahaman, A.
Rameika, R.A.
Raufer, T.M.
Rebel, B.
Reichenbacher, J.
Rodrigues, P.A.
Rosenfeld, C.
Rubin, H.A.
Ryabov, V.A.
Sanchez, M.C.
Saoulidou, N.
Schneps, J.
Schreiner, P.
Shanahan, P.
Smart, W.
Smith, C.
Sousa, A.
Speakman, B.
Stamoulis, P.
Strait, M.
Tagg, N.
Talaga, R.L.
Thomas, J.
Thomson, M.A.
Thron, J.L.
Tinti, G.
Toner, R.
Tsarev, V.A.
Tzanakos, G.
Urheim, J.
Vahle, P.
Viren, B.
Ward, D.R.
Watabe, M.
Weber, A.
Webb, R.C.
West, N.
White, C.
Whitehead, L.
Wojcicki, S.G.
Wright, D.M.
Yang, T.
Zhang, K.
Zheng, H.
Zois, M.
Zwaska, R.
Physical Review and Physical Review Letters Index
American Physical Society
Αριθμός / τεύχος:
Elementary particles, Electron neutrino; Far detector; Fermilab; Muon neutrino; NuMI beam, Particle detectors
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