Measurement of neutrino velocity with the MINOS detectors and NuMI neutrino beam

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3074310 59 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Measurement of neutrino velocity with the MINOS detectors and NuMI neutrino beam
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The velocity of a ∼3GeV neutrino beam is measured by comparing detection times at the near and far detectors of the MINOS experiment, separated by 734 km. A total of 473 far detector neutrino events was used to measure (v-c)/c=5.1±2.9×10-5 (at 68% C.L.). By correlating the measured energies of 258 charged-current neutrino events to their arrival times at the far detector, a limit is imposed on the neutrino mass of mν<50MeV/c2 (99% C.L.). © 2007 The American Physical Society.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Adamson, P.
Andreopoulos, C.
Arms, K.E.
Armstrong, R.
Auty, D.J.
Avvakumov, S.
Ayres, D.S.
Baller, B.
Barish, B.
Barnes, P.D.
Barr, G.
Barrett, W.L.
Beall, E.
Becker, B.R.
Belias, A.
Bergfeld, T.
Bernstein, R.H.
Bhattacharya, D.
Bishai, M.
Blake, A.
Bock, B.
Bock, G.J.
Boehm, J.
Boehnlein, D.J.
Bogert, D.
Border, P.M.
Bower, C.
Buckley-Geer, E.
Cabrera, A.
Chapman, J.D.
Cherdack, D.
Childress, S.
Choudhary, B.C.
Cobb, J.H.
Coleman, S.J.
Culling, A.J.
De Jong, J.K.
De Santo, A.
Dierckxsens, M.
Diwan, M.V.
Dorman, M.
Drakoulakos, D.
Durkin, T.
Erwin, A.R.
Escobar, C.O.
Evans, J.J.
Harris, E.F.
Feldman, G.J.
Fields, T.H.
Fitzpatrick, T.
Ford, R.
Frohne, M.V.
Gallagher, H.R.
Giurgiu, G.A.
Godley, A.
Gogos, J.
Goodman, M.C.
Gouffon, P.
Gran, R.
Grashorn, E.W.
Grossman, N.
Grzelak, K.
Habig, A.
Harris, D.
Harris, P.G.
Hartnell, J.
Hartouni, E.P.
Hatcher, R.
Heller, K.
Holin, A.
Howcroft, C.
Hylen, J.
Indurthy, D.
Irwin, G.M.
Ishitsuka, M.
Jaffe, D.E.
James, C.
Jenner, L.
Jensen, D.
Joffe-Minor, T.
Kafka, T.
Kang, H.J.
Kasahara, S.M.S.
Kim, M.S.
Koizumi, G.
Kopp, S.
Kordosky, M.
Koskinen, D.J.
Kotelnikov, S.K.
Kreymer, A.
Kumaratunga, S.
Lang, K.
Lebedev, A.
Lee, R.
Ling, J.
Liu, J.
Litchfield, P.J.
Litchfield, R.P.
Lucas, P.
Luebke, W.
Mann, W.A.
Marchionni, A.
Marino, A.D.
Marshak, M.L.
Marshall, J.S.
Mayer, N.
McGowan, A.M.
Meier, J.R.
Merzon, G.I.
Messier, M.D.
Michael, D.G.
Milburn, R.H.
Miller, J.L.
Miller, W.H.
Mishra, S.R.
Mislivec, A.
Miyagawa, P.S.
Moore, C.D.
Morfín, J.
Mualem, L.
Mufson, S.
Murgia, S.
Musser, J.
Naples, D.
Nelson, J.K.
Newman, H.B.
Nichol, R.J.
Nicholls, T.C.
Ochoa-Ricoux, J.P.
Oliver, W.P.
Osiecki, T.
Ospanov, R.
Paley, J.
Paolone, V.
Para, A.
Patzak, T.
Pavlović, Ž.
Pearce, G.F.
Peck, C.W.
Perry, C.
Peterson, E.A.
Petyt, D.A.
Ping, H.
Piteira, R.
Pittam, R.
Plunkett, R.K.
Rahman, D.
Rameika, R.A.
Raufer, T.M.
Rebel, B.
Reichenbacher, J.
Reyna, D.E.
Rosenfeld, C.
Rubin, H.A.
Ruddick, K.
Ryabov, V.A.
Saakyan, R.
Sanchez, M.C.
Saoulidou, N.
Saranen, D.
Schneps, J.
Schreiner, P.
Semenov, V.K.
Seun, S.-M.
Shanahan, P.
Smart, W.
Smirnitsky, V.
Smith, C.
Sousa, A.
Speakman, B.
Stamoulis, P.
Symes, P.A.
Tagg, N.
Talaga, R.L.
Tetteh-Lartey, E.
Thomas, J.
Thompson, J.
Thomson, M.A.
Thron, J.L.
Tinti, G.
Trostin, I.
Tsarev, V.A.
Tzanakos, G.
Urheim, J.
Vahle, P.
Verebryusov, V.
Viren, B.
Ward, C.P.
Ward, D.R.
Watabe, M.
Weber, A.
Webb, R.C.
Wehmann, A.
West, N.
White, C.
Wojcicki, S.G.
Wright, D.M.
Wu, Q.K.
Yang, T.
Yumiceva, F.X.
Zheng, H.
Zois, M.
Zwaska, R.
Physical Review D: Particles Fields Gravitation and Cosmology
American Physical Society
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