Energy and centrality dependence of deuteron and proton production in [Formula Presented] collisions at relativistic energies

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3074710 27 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Energy and centrality dependence of deuteron and proton production in [Formula Presented] collisions at relativistic energies
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
The transverse mass [Formula Presented] distributions for deuterons and protons are measured in [Formula Presented] reactions near midrapidity and in the range [Formula Presented] for minimum bias collisions at [Formula Presented] and for central collisions at 40 and [Formula Presented] beam energies. The rapidity density [Formula Presented], inverse slope parameter [Formula Presented] and mean transverse mass [Formula Presented] derived from [Formula Presented] distributions as well as the coalescence parameter [Formula Presented] are studied as a function of the incident energy and the collision centrality. The deuteron [Formula Presented] spectra are significantly harder than those of protons, especially in central collisions. The coalescence factor [Formula Presented] shows three systematic trends. First, it decreases strongly with increasing centrality reflecting an enlargement of the deuteron coalescence volume in central [Formula Presented] collisions. Second, it increases with [Formula Presented]. Finally, [Formula Presented] shows an increase with decreasing incident beam energy even within the SPS energy range. The results are discussed and compared to the predictions of models that include the collective expansion of the source created in [Formula Presented] collisions. © 2004 The American Physical Society.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Anticic, T.
Baatar, B.
Barna, D.
Bartke, J.
Behler, M.
Betev, L.
Białkowska, H.
Billimeier, A.
Blume, C.
Boimska, B.
Botje, M.
Bracinik, J.
Bramm, R.
Brun, R.
Bunčić, P.
Cerny, V.
Christakoglou, P.
Chvala, O.
Cooper, G.E.
Cramer, J.G.
Csató, P.
Dinkelaker, P.
Eckardt, V.
Filip, P.
Fischer, H.G.
Fodor, Z.
Foka, P.
Freund, P.
Friese, V.
Gál, J.
Gaździcki, M.
Georgopoulos, G.
Gładysz, E.
Hegyi, S.
Höhne, C.
Jacobs, P.
Kadija, K.
Karev, A.
Kolesnikov, V.I.
Kollegger, T.
Korus, R.
Kowalski, M.
Kraus, I.
Kreps, M.
van Leeuwen, M.
Lévai, P.
Malakhov, A.I.
Markert, C.
Mayes, B.W.
Melkumov, G.L.
Meurer, C.
Mischke, A.
Mitrovski, M.
Molnár, J.
Mrówczyński, S.
Pálla, G.
Panagiotou, A.D.
Perl, K.
Petridis, A.
Pikna, M.
Pinsky, L.
Pühlhofer, F.
Reid, J.G.
Renfordt, R.
Retyk, W.
Roland, C.
Roland, G.
Rybczyński, M.
Rybicki, A.
Sandoval, A.
Sann, H.
Schmitz, N.
Seyboth, P.
Siklér, F.
Sitar, B.
Skrzypczak, E.
Stefanek, G.
Stock, R.
Ströbele, H.
Susa, T.
Szentpétery, I.
Sziklai, J.
Trainor, T.A.
Varga, D.
Vassiliou, M.
Veres, G.I.
Vesztergombi, G.
Vranić, D.
Wenig, S.
Wetzler, A.
Włodarczyk, Z.
Xu, N.
Yoo, I.K.
Zaranek, J.
Zimányi, J.
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