First results from the 1994 lead beam run of WA97

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3075478 39 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
First results from the 1994 lead beam run of WA97
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
WA97 is designed to study strange and multi-strange baryon and anti-baryon production in 160 A GeV c PbPb collisions at the SPS with a telescope of silicon microdetectors. Four planes of silicon pixel detectors were successfully employed during the 1994 Pb run. A total of 60M central PbPb events were collected. We describe the experimental setup and report on some preliminary results from the off-line analysis. © 1995.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Alexeev, G.
Andersen, E.
Andrighetto, A.
Antinori, F.
Armenise, N.
Ban, J.
Barberis, D.
Bayes, A.C.
Beker, H.
Benayoun, M.
Beusch, W.
Blaes, R.
Bohm, J.
Brom, J.M.
Campbell, M.
Cantatore, E.
Carney, J.N.
Carrer, N.
Catanesi, M.G.
Chesi, E.
Dameri, M.
Darbo, G.
Davies, J.P.
Diaczek, A.
Di Bari, D.
Di Liberto, S.
Di Mauro, A.
Dufey, J.P.
Elia, D.
Evans, D.
Fanebust, K.
Fang, R.
Farthouat, Ph.
Fini, R.
French, B.R.
Geist, W.
Gemme, C.
Ghidini, B.
Grella, G.
Guida, M.
Heijne, E.H.M.
Helstrup, H.
Holme, A.K.
Inyakin, A.
Jacholkowski, A.
Jovanovic, P.
Jusko, A.
Kachanov, V.A.
Kachelhoffer, T.
Kahane, J.
Khodyrev, V.
Kinson, J.B.
Kirk, A.
Klempt, W.
Knudson, K.
Kralik, I.
Lassalle, J.C.
Lenti, V.
Leruste, Ph.
Lien, J.
Lietava, R.
Lopez, L.
Lovhoiden, G.
Luptak, M.
Macha, I.
Manzari, V.
Martinengo, P.
Mazzoni, M.A.
Meddi, F.
Michalon, A.
Michalon-Mentzer, M.E.
Middelkamp, P.
Morando, M.
Muciaccia, M.T.
Nappi, E.
Narjoux, J.L.
Navach, F.
Norman, K.
Osculati, B.
Pairat, M.
Pallares, A.
Pastircak, B.
Pellegrini, F.
Piska, K.
Posa, F.
Quercigh, E.
Reister, J.L.
Reitan, T.
Ricci, R.A.
Romano, G.
Rosa, G.
Rossi, L.
Rotscheidt, H.
Safarik, K.
Sahagun Pareja, J.
Saladino, S.
Sandor, L.
Sclmane, S.
Scognetti, T.
Segato, G.
Sené, M.
Sené, R.
Sennels, P.
Shagin, P.
Simone, S.
Singovski, A.
Sopko, B.
Staroba, P.
Stastny, J.
Storaas, T.
Szafran, S.
Thorsteinsen, T.F.
Tomasicchio, G.
Urban, J.
Vanickova, M.
Vassiliadis, G.
Vettunen, H.
Villalobos Baillie, O.
Virgili, T.
Volte, A.
Voltolini, C.
Votruba, M.F.
Zavada, P.
Nuclear Physics, Section A
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