Investigation of SEN virus infection in patients with cryptogenic acute
liver failure, hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia, or acute and
chronic non-A-E hepatitis
SEN virus ( SENV) has been tentatively linked to transfusion- associated
non - A - E hepatitis. We investigated SENV’s role in unexplained
hepatitis in other settings. Polymerase chain reaction amplification was
used to detect 2 SENV variants ( SENV- D and SENV- H) in 1706 patients
and control subjects. SENV was detected in 54 ( 22%) of 248 patients
with acute or chronic non - A - E hepatitis, 9 ( 35%) of 26 patients
with hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia, and 0 of 17 patients with
cryptogenic acute liver failure, compared with 150 ( 24%) of 621
control subjects with liver disease and 76 ( 10%) of 794 healthy
control subjects. When controlling for geographic region, the prevalence
of SENV among case and control subjects was not significantly different.
The severity of acute or chronic hepatitis A, B, or C was not influenced
by coexisting SENV infection. No etiological role for SENV in the cause
of cryptogenic hepatitis could be demonstrated.
Umemura, T
Tanaka, E
Ostapowicz, G
Brown, KE
Tassopoulos, NC
Wang, RYH
Yeo, AET
Shih, JWK
Young, NS
Hatzakis, A
Manns, MP
Lee, WM
Alter, HJ