Up to 50% of infants present with symptoms of regurgitation, infantile colic and/or constipation during the first 12 months of life. Although they are often classed as functional disorders, there is an overlap with cows' milk allergy. We present practical algorithms for the management of such disorders, based on existing evidence and general consensus, with a particular focus on primary health care. Management consists of early recognition of warning signs of organic disease, parental reassurance and nutritional strategies. Conclusion The proposed algorithms aim to help healthcare providers manage frequent gastrointestinal and cows' milk-related symptoms in infants safely and effectively. ©2015 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Vandenplas, Y.
Benninga, M.
Broekaert, I.
Falconer, J.
Gottrand, F.
Guarino, A.
Lifschitz, C.
Lionetti, P.
Orel, R.
Papadopoulou, A.
Ribes-Koninckx, C.
Ruemmele, F.M.
Salvatore, S.
Shamir, R.
Schäppi, M.
Staiano, A.
Szajewska, H.
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algorithm; clinical feature; consensus development; constipation; digestive system function disorder; disease classification; infantile colic; milk; milk allergy; nutritional health; primary health care; priority journal; reassurance; Review; algorithm; child parent relation; colic; constipation; diet therapy; Gastrointestinal Diseases; human; infant; Milk Hypersensitivity; psychology, Algorithms; Colic; Constipation; Gastrointestinal Diseases; Humans; Infant; Milk Hypersensitivity; Parenting