Charge-separated atmospheric neutrino-induced muons in the MINOS far detector

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3116930 60 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Charge-separated atmospheric neutrino-induced muons in the MINOS far
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
We found 140 neutrino-induced muons in 854.24 live days in the MINOS far
detector, which has an acceptance for neutrino-induced muons of
6.91x10(6) cm(2) sr. We looked for evidence of neutrino disappearance in
this data set by computing the ratio of the number of low momentum muons
to the sum of the number of high momentum and unknown momentum muons for
both data and Monte Carlo expectation in the absence of neutrino
oscillations. The ratio of data and Monte Carlo ratios, R, is
R=0.65(-0.12)(+0.15)(stat)+/- 0.09(syst), a result that is consistent
with an oscillation signal. A fit to the data for the oscillation
parameters sin(2)2 theta(23) and Delta m(23)(2) excludes the null
oscillation hypothesis at the 94% confidence level. We separated the
muons into mu(-) and mu(+) in both the data and Monte Carlo events and
found the ratio of the total number of mu(-) to mu(+) in both samples.
The ratio of those ratios, R boolean AND(CPT), is a test of CPT
conservation. The result R boolean
AND(CPT)=0.72(-0.18)(+0.24)(stat)(-0.04)(+0.08)(syst) is consistent with
CPT conservation.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Adamson, P.
Andreopoulos, C.
Arms, K. E.
Armstrong, R. and
Auty, D. J.
Avvakumov, S.
Ayres, D. S.
Baller, B. and
Barish, B.
Barnes, Jr., P. D.
Barr, G.
Barrett, W. L. and
Beall, E.
Becker, B. R.
Belias, A.
Bergfeld, T. and
Bernstein, R. H.
Bhattacharya, D.
Bishai, M.
Blake, A. and
Bock, B.
Bock, G. J.
Boehm, J.
Boehnlein, D. J.
Border, P. M.
Bower, C.
Buckley-Geer, E.
Cabrera, A.
and Chapman, J. D.
Cherdack, D.
Childress, S.
Choudhary, B.
Cobb, J. H.
Culling, A. J.
de Jong, J. K.
De Santo,
Dierckxsens, M.
Diwan, M. V.
Dorman, M.
Durkin, T.
Erwin, A. R.
Escobar, C. O.
Evans, J. J.
and Harris, E. Falk
Feldman, G. J.
Fields, T. H.
Ford, R.
and Frohne, M. V.
Gallagher, H. R.
Giurgiu, G. A.
Godley, A.
and Gogos, J.
Goodman, M. C.
Gouffon, P.
Gran, R. and
Grashorn, E. W.
Grossman, N.
Grzelak, K.
Habig, A. and
Harris, D.
Harris, P. G.
Hartnell, J.
Hartouni, E. P. and
Hatcher, R.
Heller, K.
Holin, A.
Howcroft, C.
Hylen, J.
and Indurthy, D.
Irwin, G. M.
Ishitsuka, M.
Jaffe, D. E. and
James, C.
Jenner, L.
Jensen, D.
Joffe-Minor, T.
Kang, H. J.
Kasahara, S. M. S.
Kim, M. S.
Koizumi, G.
and Kopp, S.
Kordosky, M.
Koskinen, D. J.
Kotelnikov, S. K.
and Kreymer, A.
Kumaratunga, S.
Lang, K.
Lebedev, A. and
Lee, R.
Ling, J.
Liu, J.
Litchfield, P. J.
R. P.
Lucas, P.
Mann, W. A.
Marchionni, A.
Marino, A. D.
and Marshak, M. L.
Marshall, J. S.
Mayer, N.
McGowan, A. M.
and Meier, J. R.
Merzon, G. I.
Messier, M. D.
Michael, D. G.
and Milburn, R. H.
Miller, J. L.
Miller, W. H.
Mishra, S. R.
and Mislivec, A.
Miyagawa, P. S.
Moore, C. D.
Morfin, J. and
Mualem, L.
Mufson, S.
Murgia, S.
Musser, J.
Naples, D.
and Nelson, J. K.
Newman, H. B.
Nichol, R. J.
Nicholls, T.
Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P.
Oliver, W. P.
Osiecki, T. and
Ospanov, R.
Paley, J.
Paolone, V.
Para, A.
Patzak, T.
and Pavlovic, Z.
Pearce, G. F.
Peck, C. W.
Peterson, E. A.
and Petyt, D. A.
Ping, H.
Piteira, R.
Pittam, R. and
Plunkett, R. K.
Rahman, D.
Rameika, R. A.
Raufer, T. M. and
Rebel, B.
Reichenbacher, J.
Reyna, D. E.
Rosenfeld, C. and
Rubin, H. A.
Ruddick, K.
Ryabov, V. A.
Saakyan, R. and
Sanchez, M. C.
Saoulidou, N.
Schneps, J.
Schreiner, P. and
Semenov, V. K.
Seun, S.-M.
Shanahan, P.
Smart, W. and
Smirnitsky, V.
Smith, C.
Sousa, A.
Speakman, B. and
Stamoulis, P.
Symes, P. A.
Tagg, N.
Talaga, R. L. and
Tetteh-Lartey, E.
Thomas, J.
Thompson, J.
Thomson, M. A. and
Thron, J. L.
Tinti, G.
Trostin, I.
Tsarev, V. A. and
Tzanakos, G.
Urheim, J.
Vahle, P.
Verebryusov, V.
Ward, C. P.
Ward, D. R.
Watabe, M.
Weber, A. and
Webb, R. C.
Wehmann, A.
West, N.
White, C.
Wojcicki, S.
Wright, D. M.
Wu, Q. K.
Yang, T.
Yumiceva, F. X. and
Zheng, H.
Zois, M.
Zwaska, R.
MINOS Collaboration
Physical Review D
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