Investigation of colour reconnection in WW events with the DELPHI detector at LEP-2

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση - Άρθρο Περιοδικού uoadl:3117390 31 Αναγνώσεις

Ερευνητικό υλικό ΕΚΠΑ
Investigation of colour reconnection in WW events with the DELPHI
detector at LEP-2
Γλώσσες Τεκμηρίου:
In the reaction e(+)e(-) -> WW -> (q(1) (q) over bar (2))(q(3)(q) over
bar (4)) the usual hadronization models treat the colour singlets
q(1)(q) over bar (2) and q(3)(q) over bar (4) coming from two W bosons
independently. However, since the. nal state partons may coexist in
space and time, cross-talk between the two evolving hadronic systems may
be possible during fragmentation through soft gluon exchange. This e.
ect is known as colour reconnection. In this article the results of the
investigation of colour reconnection e. ects in fully hadronic decays of
W pairs in DELPHI at LEP are presented. Two complementary analyses were
performed, studying the particle. ow between jets and W mass estimators,
with negligible correlation between them, and the results were combined
and compared to models. In the framework of the SK-I model, the value
for its. parameter most compatible with the data was found to be:
(SK)-S-kappa-I = 2.2(-1.3) (+2.5)
corresponding to the probability of reconnection P-reco to be in the
range 0.31 < P-reco < 0.68 at 68% confidence level with its best value
at 0.52.
Έτος δημοσίευσης:
Abdallah, J.
Abreu, P.
Adam, W.
Adzic, P.
Albrecht, T.
and Alemany-Fernandez, R.
Allmendinger, T.
Allport, P. P. and
Amaldi, U.
Amapane, N.
Amato, S.
Anashkin, E.
Andringa, S.
Anjos, N.
Antilogus, P.
Apel, W-D. and
Arnoud, Y.
Ask, S.
Asman, B.
Augustin, J. E.
Baillon, P.
Ballestrero, A.
Bambade, P.
Barbier, R.
and Bardin, D.
Barker, G. J.
Baroncelli, A.
Battaglia, M.
and Baubillier, M.
Becks, K-H.
Begalli, M.
Behrmann, A. and
Ben-Haim, E.
Benekos, N.
Benvenuti, A.
Berat, C. and
Berggren, M.
Berntzon, L.
Bertrand, D.
Besancon, M. and
Besson, N.
Bloch, D.
Blom, M.
Bluj, M.
Bonesini, M. and
Boonekamp, M.
Booth, P. S. L.
Borisov, G.
Botner, O. and
Bouquet, B.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Boyko, I.
Bracko, M. and
Brenner, R.
Brodet, E.
Bruckman, P.
Brunet, J. M. and
Buschbeck, B.
Buschmann, P.
Calvi, M.
Camporesi, T. and
Canale, V.
Carena, F.
Castro, N.
Cavallo, F.
Chapkin, M.
and Charpentier, Ph.
Checchia, P.
Chierici, R.
Chudoba, J.
Chung, S. U.
Cieslik, K.
Collins, P. and
Contri, R.
Cosme, G.
Cossutti, F.
Costa, M. J.
Cuevas, J.
D'Hondt, J.
Dalmau, J.
Da Silva, T.
Silva, W.
Della Ricca, G.
De Angelis, A.
De Boer, W.
Clercq, C.
De Lotto, B.
De Maria, N.
De Min, A.
Paula, L.
Di Ciaccio, L.
Di Simone, A.
Doroba, K.
Eigen, G.
Ekelof, T.
Ellert, M.
Elsing, M.
M. C. Espirito
Fanourakis, G.
Fassouliotis, D.
Feindt, M.
and Fernandez, J.
Ferrer, A.
Ferro, F.
Flagmeyer, U. and
Foeth, H.
Fokitis, E.
Fulda-Quenzer, F.
Fuster, J. and
Gandelman, M.
Garcia, C.
Gavillet, Ph.
Gazis, E. and
Gokieli, R.
Golob, B.
Gomez-Ceballos, G.
Goncalves, P. and
Graziani, E.
Grosdidier, G.
Grzelak, K.
Guy, J.
Haag, C.
and Hallgren, A.
Hamacher, K.
Hamilton, K.
Haug, S. and
Hauler, F.
Hedberg, V.
Hennecke, M.
Herr, H.
Hoffman, J.
and Holmgren, S-O.
Holt, P. J.
Houlden, M. A.
Jackson, J. N.
and Jarlskog, G.
Jarry, P.
Jeans, D.
Johansson, E. K. and
Johansson, P. D.
Jonsson, P.
Joram, C.
Jungermann, L. and
Kapusta, F.
Katsanevas, S.
Katsoufis, E.
Kernel, G. and
Kersevan, B. P.
Kerzel, U.
King, B. T.
Kjaer, N. J. and
Kluit, P.
Kokkinias, P.
Kourkoumelis, C.
Kouznetsov, O. and
Krumstein, Z.
Kucharczyk, M.
Lamsa, J.
Leder, G. and
Ledroit, F.
Leinonen, L.
Leitner, R.
Lemonne, J. and
Lepeltier, V.
Lesiak, T.
Liebig, W.
Liko, D.
Lopes, J. H.
Lopez, J. M.
Loukas, D.
Lutz, P. and
Lyons, L.
MacNaughton, J.
Malek, A.
Maltezos, S.
Marco, J.
Marco, R.
Marechal, B.
Margoni, M. and
Marin, J-C.
Mariotti, C.
Markou, A.
Martinez-Rivero, C. and
Masik, J.
Mastroyiannopoulos, N.
Matorras, F.
Matteuzzi, C.
and Mazzucato, F.
Mazzucato, M.
Mc Nulty, R.
Meroni, C. and
Migliore, E.
Mitaro, W.
Mjoernmark, U.
Moa, T.
Moch, M.
and Moenig, K.
Monge, R.
Montenegro, J.
Moraes, D. and
Moreno, S.
Morettini, P.
Mueller, U.
Muenich, K. and
Mulders, M.
Mundim, L.
Murray, W.
Muryn, B.
Myatt, G.
and Myklebust, T.
Nassiakou, M.
Navarria, F.
Nawrocki, K.
and Nicolaidou, R.
Nikolenko, M.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A. and
Obraztsov, V.
Olshevski, A.
Onofre, A.
Orava, R. and
Osterberg, K.
Ouraou, A.
Oyanguren, A.
Paganoni, M. and
Paiano, S.
Palacios, J. P.
Palka, H.
Papadopoulou, Th. D.
and Pape, L.
Parkes, C.
Parodi, F.
Parzefall, U. and
Passeri, A.
Passon, O.
Peralta, L.
Perepelitsa, V. and
Perrotta, A.
Petrolini, A.
Piedra, J.
Pieri, L.
Pimenta, M.
Piotto, E.
Podobnik, T.
Poireau, V. and
Pol, M. E.
Polok, G.
Pozdniakov, V.
Pukhaeva, N.
Rames, J.
Read, A.
Rebecchi, P.
Rehn, J.
Reid, D.
and Reinhardt, R.
Renton, P.
Richard, F.
Ridky, J. and
Rivero, M.
Rodriguez, D.
Romero, A.
Ronchese, P. and
Roudeau, P.
Rovelli, T.
Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.
Ryabtchikov, D.
and Sadovsky, A.
Salmi, L.
Salt, J.
Sander, C. and
Savoy-Navarro, A.
Schwickerath, U.
Sekulin, R.
Siebel, M.
and Sisakian, A.
Smadja, G.
Smirnova, O.
Sokolov, A. and
Sopczak, A.
Sosnowski, R.
Spassov, T.
Stanitzki, M. and
Stocchi, A.
Strauss, J.
Stugu, B.
Szczekowski, M. and
Szeptycka, M.
Szumlak, T.
Tabarelli, T.
Taffard, A. C. and
Tegenfeldt, F.
Timmermans, J.
Tkatchev, L.
Tobin, M. and
Todorovova, S.
Tome, B.
Tonazzo, A.
Tortosa, P. and
Travnicek, P.
Treille, D.
Tristram, G.
Trochimczuk, M. and
Troncon, C.
Turluer, M-L.
Tyapkin, I. A.
Tyapkin, P. and
Tzamarias, S.
Uvarov, V.
Valenti, G.
Van Dam, P.
Eldik, J.
Van Remortel, N.
Van Vulpen, I.
Vegni, G. and
Veloso, F.
Venus, W.
Verdier, P.
Verzi, V.
Vilanova, D.
and Vitale, L.
Vrba, V.
Wahlen, H.
Washbrook, A. J. and
Weiser, C.
Wicke, D.
Wickens, J.
Wilkinson, G.
Witek, M.
Yushchenko, O.
Zalewska, A.
Zalewski, P.
and Zavrtanik, D.
Zhuravlov, V.
Zimin, N. I.
Zintchenko, A.
and Zupan, M.
The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
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