Introduction: Typical branching pattern of the left-sided aortic arch consists of the brachiocephalic trunk (BCT), the left common carotid artery (LCCA) and the left subclavian artery (LSA). Variant patterns have been associated with a broad spectrum of pathologies. The meticulous knowledge of potential aortic arch variants is of utmost importance to radiologists, interventional cardiologists, vascular and thoracic surgeons. The current systematic review collects all aortic arch branching patterns and their frequency as published by various cadaveric studies, calculates prevalence taking into account the gender and the different people background, as well. All extracted variant patterns are classified into types and subtypes according to the number of emerging (major and minor) branches (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and to the prevalence they appear. In cases of similar prevalence, total cases were taken into consideration; otherwise the variants were classified under the title “other rare variants”. Methods: A systematic online search of PubMed and Google books databases was performed only in cadaveric studies. Results: Twenty studies with typical (78% prevalence) and variable (22%) branching patterns were included. Types 3b, 2b, 4b, 1b and 5b had a prevalence of 81%, of 13%, of 5%, 0% and of 0%, respectively. Common variants were the brachiocephalico-carotid trunk (BCCT, 49% prevalence), the aberrant left vertebral artery (LVA, 41%) and the aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA, 8%). LVA of aortic origin was detected in 32%, the bicarotid trunk (biCT) in 5% and the bi-BCT trunk in 3%. Thyroidea ima artery, a minor branch emerging from the aortic arch was found in 2%. Coexisted variants were detected in 4% (ARSA with a distinct RCCA and LCCA origin), in 3% (BCCT with a LVA of aortic origin), in 2% (ARSA with a biCT and a vertebrosubclavian trunk). Conclusion: No significant gender or ethnic differences exist among the 5 branching types. The proposed classification scheme aims to become a valuable and easy to use tool in the hands of all physicians involved in diagnosis and treatment of aortic arch pathology. It could be also useful in anatomical education, as well. © 2021, Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature.
Natsis, K.
Piagkou, M.
Lazaridis, N.
Kalamatianos, T.
Chytas, D.
Manatakis, D.
Anastasopoulos, N.
Loukas, M.
anatomical variation; aortic arch; cadaver; carotid artery; controlled study; ethnic difference; female; human; human tissue; male; nonhuman; prevalence; priority journal; Review; right subclavian artery; sex difference; systematic review; trunk; vertebral artery; anatomy and histology; brachiocephalic trunk; cadaver; common carotid artery; sex factor; subclavian artery; thoracic aorta, Anatomic Variation; Aorta, Thoracic; Brachiocephalic Trunk; Cadaver; Carotid Artery, Common; Female; Humans; Male; Prevalence; Sex Factors; Subclavian Artery